The Adviser & Funds
Coalesce serves as investment manager to private investment funds, providing discretionary management
services to pooled investment vehicles. The Firm was established in 2022 by its founder and ultimate owner,
Stephanie Geveda (the “Founder”). Ms. Geveda has over 20 years of experience in private equity investing
and manages the Firm with a team of investment, operational, transformational, and business development
professionals. The Firm employs approximately thirteen (13) individuals and has ongoing plans to hire
additional personnel.
Coalesce acts as Manager to private investment funds and special purpose vehicles or co-investment
vehicles related to those funds, its advisory clients (“each a “Fund” or the “Coalesce Funds” unless
otherwise noted herein). Coalesce serves as the investment manager for parallel funds Coalesce Capital
Fund I, L.P., Coalesce Capital Fund I-A, L.P., and Coalesce Capital Fund I FF, L.P. (together, “Fund I”),
and special purpose vehicles or co-investment vehicles Coastal Pacific Partners, L.P. (“Coastal Pacific”)
and Coalesce Echo Coinvest, L.P., (“Echo”). Our investment advisory clients are strictly the Coalesce
Funds. The beneficial owners and equity owners of the Coalesce Funds are generally referred to as “Limited
Partners” or “Investors.”
Coalesce Capital Partners I, L.P., the general partner to the Funds (together with its general partner,
Coalesce Capital Partners UGP I, LLC and any other entities that serve is such capacity to any future funds,
the “General Partner(s)”). The General Partner, Coalesce, and its advisory affiliates or persons controlled
by or under common control with Coalesce, are the Firm’s “related persons.” Coalesce Capital Management
LLC is wholly owned by Ms. Geveda and Coalesce Capital S-Corp LLC (which is further wholly owned
by Ms. Geveda). For more information about Firm’s ownership and affiliates, please refer to Schedules A
and B of our Form ADV Part 1A.
The parallel funds generally invest side-by-side in each investment proportionate to their respective
committed capital. Coalesce has facilitated participation by certain Investors or Funds in co-investments in
portfolio companies alongside the Funds (“co-investment vehicles”) or other strategic partnerships or
special purpose vehicles (“special purpose vehicles”). Coalesce Echo Coinvest, L.P. is a co-investment
vehicle. Coastal Pacific Partners, L.P. is a special purpose vehicle and a co-investment vehicle. Coalesce
Capital Fund I FF, L.P. is a special purpose vehicle intended to facilitate certain accredited Coalesce
affiliates or non-affiliates’ participation in investment opportunities as accredited investors. Such vehicles
may co-invest alongside a Fund in certain Portfolio Companies (as defined below) or directly in a Fund.
While not materially different currently, the economic or liquidity terms, costs, or other terms of investment
may be different among Fund I and a co-investment or special
purpose vehicles. Specifics regarding
differences among the Funds is described in each Fund’s Governing Documents and in Item 5 below.
Advisory Services
Coalesce tailors its investment advisory services to the specific investment objectives and restrictions set
forth in Fund Governing Documents of each Fund. Pursuant to the investment guidelines and restrictions
set forth in Fund Governing Documents, Coalesce invests primarily in business services companies with
the potential for equity-like returns (including debt securities) (each, a “Portfolio Company” or “Portfolio
Investment”). The Firm views business services companies as those providing primarily services and
activities (i.e., not physical products), often leveraging human capital (e.g., human skills and experience)
and technology-enabled processes. Subject to the investment guidelines and restrictions in the Fund
Governing Documents, Coalesce has broad discretion to make investment decisions for the Funds.
Investment in the Funds involves significant risks and should be regarded as long-term in nature, forming
only one portion of an Investor’s diversified investment portfolio. Fund Governing Documents also provide
investment restrictions related to specific strategies or industries, such as diversification, recycling, hostile
takeover, blind-pool investment funds, publicly traded securities, geographic restrictions, derivatives, oil &
gas, or real estate.
Additional information about the Funds and their investment objectives, strategies, restrictions, and risks
associated with an investment are described in the Fund Governing Documents, which are made available
to Investors only through Coalesce and its authorized agents. See Item 8 – Methods of Analysis, Investment
Strategies and Risk of Loss and Item 16 – Investment Discretion.
The Funds are generally offered exclusively to individuals who qualify as “accredited investors” under
Regulation D promulgated under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), and are not
required to register as investment companies with the SEC under the U.S. Investment Company Act of
1940, as amended (the “Investment Company Act”), in reliance upon the exclusion from registration
provided in Section 3(c)(7) or Section 3(c)(1) thereof, which limits the availability of Interests to persons
who are “qualified purchasers” or “accredited investors” as defined in Section 2(a)(51) of the Investment
Company Act.
Coalesce provides investment management services exclusively to its Funds. Outside of such services to
the Funds, Coalesce offers no other advisory services. Coalesce does not perform any type of financial
planning, quantitative analysis, tax planning or market timing services, nor participates in any wrap fee
As of December 31, 2023, Coalesce had approximately $801 million in regulatory assets under
management. Coalesce manages its Funds’ assets on a discretionary basis.