MGG Investment Group LP (including its advisory affiliates where the context requires,
“MGG” or the “Adviser”), a Delaware limited partnership, is a New York-based credit-
focused asset manager firm that specializes in private credit investments primarily in lower
middle to middle market companies. MGG commenced operations in 2014. Kevin Griffin
has 100% control and management responsibility of MGG’s investment and non-
investment decisions and operations. Kevin Griffin, together with Gregory Racz and Frank
McCourt, indirectly through various entities, are entitled to receive the profits generated
from the fees received by MGG and are the principal beneficial owners of MGG.
As of the date of this Brochure, MGG and its advisory affiliates (as described below)
provide discretionary investment advisory services to various private investment funds
(some of which are organized as master-feeder, mini-master, and fund of one structures)
and separately managed accounts (collectively, the “Funds” or “Clients”). The Funds
include funds that have been organized primarily to accommodate varied regulatory, tax,
legal, risk, leverage, and other requirements, sensitivities, strategies, and objectives of
different investors, as well as various co-investment vehicles that MGG has organized to
co-invest side-by-side with MGG’s primary Funds in specific portfolio companies. For a
list of each of the Funds managed by MGG, please refer to the current version of MGG’s
Form ADV Part 1A filing with the SEC, which is publicly available at:
Generally, a related person of MGG serves as the general partner of each Fund, and MGG
serves as the investment adviser to the Funds. References to MGG in this Brochure
include, as the context requires, any affiliates: (i) through which MGG provides investment
advisory services to the Funds, including a relying adviser that manages a Fund that is
closed to new investors as further described in Schedule R to MGG's Form ADV Part 1A
or (ii) that serve as general partners of the Funds. However, due to regulatory and other
considerations, certain Funds have general partners who are not affiliated with MGG.
MGG tailors its advisory services to the specific investment objectives and restrictions of
the Funds. Investors and prospective investors in a Fund should refer to the confidential
private placement
memorandum, limited partnership agreement, investment advisory
agreement and other documents for such Fund (the “Governing Documents”) for more
complete information on the investment objectives and investment restrictions with respect
to the Fund. There is no assurance that any of the Funds’ investment objectives will be
The Funds are offered exclusively to (i) Non U.S. persons and (ii) U.S. persons who are
“accredited investors” (within the meaning of Regulation D under the Securities Act of
1933 (as amended, the “Securities Act”)), “qualified purchasers” (as defined under the
Investment Company Act of 1940 (as amended, the “Company Act”)),
“qualified clients” (as defined under the Company Act) and/or “knowledgeable employees”
as defined under Rule 3c-5 of the Company Act. The Funds are not required to register as
investment companies under the Company Act in reliance upon certain exemptions
available to private investment funds whose securities are not publicly offered and whose
investors satisfy certain criteria.
This Brochure does not constitute an offer to sell or solicitation of an offer to buy any
securities. The securities of the Funds are offered and sold on a private placement basis
under exemptions promulgated under the Securities Act and other applicable state, federal
or non-U.S. laws. Significant suitability requirements apply to prospective investors in the
Funds, including, for example, requirements that they be “accredited investors” as defined
in Regulation D, “qualified purchasers” as defined in the Investment Company Act, or non-
”U.S. Persons” as defined in Regulation S. Persons reviewing this Brochure should not
construe this as an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy the securities of any of
the Funds described herein. Any such offer or solicitation will be made only by means of
a confidential private placement memorandum.
In accordance with common industry practice, the general partner of a Fund may enter into
“side letters” or similar agreements with certain investors pursuant to which the general
partner grants the investor specific rights, benefits, or privileges that are not made available
to investors generally.
MGG does not participate in any wrap fee programs.
MGG currently manages all client assets on a discretionary basis in accordance with the
terms and conditions of the Funds’ Governing Documents. As of December 31, 2023, the
amount of assets MGG managed on a discretionary basis is $5,579,224,698.