Silver Rock Financial was legally formed in December 2015 and began accepting outside capital in May
2016. Headquartered in Los Angeles, California, Silver Rock Financial is majority owned by a trust and
limited partnerships ultimately controlled by Carl Meyer. Silver Rock Management, a Delaware limited
liability corporation, was formed in 2019, as a wholly-owned subsidiary of Silver Rock Financial. Silver
Rock Capital Partners, a Delaware limited partnership, was formed in 2021, and is principally owned by
Vinay Kumar and Silver Rock Financial. For further detail on Silver Rock’s ownership structure, please
refer to Schedule A and Schedule R of Part 1 of our ADV.
Silver Rock is a credit-oriented asset management firm focused on three general strategies: Public Credit;
Private Credit; and Structured Corporate Credit. The Firm invests across a range of mandates, including but
not limited to opportunistic credit, multi-asset credit, high yield and levered loans, private credit, and
structured corporate credit, as described more fully in Item 8.
The Firm provides discretionary investment advisory services to commingled private investment funds
(each a “Fund”), separately managed accounts and funds-of-one/many (each, a “Managed Account”),
and/or issuers of collateralized loan obligations (such issuers, “CLOs”) with varying investment objectives.
Certain Funds and Managed Accounts have in the past employed, and may continue in the future to employ,
various “add-on features” to supplement their primary investment strategies, such as (a) pre-committed
capital to deploy intra-month during periods of market dislocation, (b) additional exposure to co-investment
opportunities, or (c) a liquid funding option to manage capital commitments. The Firm has provided, and
may provide in the future, non-discretionary
investment advisory services related to specific investments
in Managed Accounts. The Funds, Managed Accounts and CLOs are collectively referred to as the “Clients”
Details regarding the specific investment objectives of each Client can be found in their respective offering
memoranda (or the equivalent thereof), organizational documents, investment management agreements,
collateral management agreement and/or indenture (collectively, each as amended, supplemented or
modified from time to time, and as applicable, the “Governing Documents”).
Silver Rock also advises Managed Accounts with customized mandates and are subject to different terms
and arrangements, including fees, liquidity rights, transparency rights and/or termination rights. Such
customized arrangements have been and may in the future be subject to minimum investment size and other
possible special requirements.
When deemed appropriate, Silver Rock has in the past and may in the future enter into side letters with
certain investors in the Funds and Governing Documents for certain Managed Accounts that provide such
investors with different terms, such as fees, expense reimbursement, liquidity rights, advisory committee
representation rights, tax and ERISA-related rights, transparency rights and/or additional reporting details.
Silver Rock has also agreed to manage certain Client accounts in accordance with an investor’s tailored
investment objectives, e.g., liquidity needs, sector and/or asset class investment restrictions. Such terms are
individually negotiated and dependent on the nature of the advisory relationship and/or subject to significant
account minimums.
As of December 31, 2023, Silver Rock managed approximately $8.0884 billion in regulatory assets under
management on a discretionary basis. Silver Rock does not currently manage any Client assets on a non-
discretionary basis.