Greystone Bridge Lending Fund Manager LLC (“Greystone Adviser”) is a Delaware limited liability company that was
formed in 2016. Greystone Adviser is a part of a family of affiliated companies collectively referred to as “Greystone”.
Greystone is a vertically integrated commercial real estate finance company that focuses on lending primarily to
multifamily, seniors housing, and healthcare properties. Greystone’s principal owner is Stephen Rosenberg, the
founder and Executive Chairman of Greystone.
Greystone provides a comprehensive set of services in connection with the group’s commercial real estate lending
activities, including the origination and initial financing of real estate loans, the ongoing administration and servicing
of such loans, and the sale of such loans to various U.S. government sponsored entities (such as Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac), federal agencies (such as the FHA), or other institutional investors. As a part of Greystone, Greystone
Adviser focuses on investing in short-term first lien mortgage bridge loans collateralized by multifamily, senior hous-
ing and healthcare properties, which are underwritten with the expectation that such loans will ultimately be re-
financed through U.S. government sponsored entities, federal agencies or other institutional investors.
In 2021, affiliates of Greystone Adviser and MONTICELLOAM, LLC (“Monticello”) formed a joint venture entity named
Greystone Monticello LLC (“Greystone/Monticello”). Monticello is a registered investment adviser (SEC Number 801-
106754) that focuses on, among other things, originating, investing in and servicing first lien mortgage loans relating
to healthcare industry properties. Most, if not all, of the bridge loans in which Greystone Adviser’s clients invest are
originated and serviced by either Greystone or Monticello affiliates, including Greystone/Monticello. See “Item 8 –
Methods of Analysis, Investment Strategies and Risk of Loss” and “Item 10 – Other Financial Industry Activities and
Affiliations” for additional information.
Greystone Adviser’s clients include several real estate debt funds that are co-managed
together by Greystone Ad-
viser and Monticello, including an open-end fund that focuses on investments in real estate bridge loans (the “Grey-
stone Senior Debt Fund) and certain other, typically single asset, closed-end, real estate debt funds sponsored by
Greystone/Monticello (the “Greystone/Monticello Funds,” and, together with the Greystone Senior Debt Fund, the
“Funds”). In addition, Greystone Adviser serves as the collateral manager for a series of collateralized loan obliga-
tions (the “CLOs”) sponsored by Greystone Senior Debt Operating Partnership LP (“Fund OP”), a subsidiary of the
Greystone Senior Debt Fund. The CLOs purchase loan pools from an affiliate of the Fund OP. The CLOs’ issuers
are SPE entities within the Fund OP, each created for the specific CLO issuance, and the Fund OP will typically
retain ownership of the equity interest in each CLO entity. The Funds and the CLOs are collectively referred herein
as the “Clients.”
As the investment adviser to each Client, Greystone Adviser invests each Client’s assets pursuant to an investment
advisory agreement that such Client has entered into with Greystone Adviser, and in accordance with such Client’s
limited partnership agreement and/or other governing documents, as the same may be amended from time to time
(the “Governing Documents”). Greystone Adviser tailors its investment advisory activities to comply with the invest-
ment objectives, guidelines and restrictions set forth in each Client’s Governing Documents. Greystone Adviser does
not tailor its investment advisory activities for any particular investors in the Clients. However, in accordance with
common industry practice, a Client may from time to time enter into a “side letter” or similar agreement with an
investor pursuant to which the such investor is granted specific rights, benefits or privileges that are not generally
made available to all investors. See “Item 8 – Methods of Analysis, Investment Strategies and Risk of Loss” below
for more details.
As of December 31, 2023, Greystone Adviser had total regulatory assets under management of $4,113,795,284, all
of which were managed on a discretionary basis.