Orchard is a Delaware limited partnership formed on February 14, 2017. We are an investment
advisory services firm which specializes in investment management for clients that are
commingled private investment funds and separately managed accounts, including through
“fund-of-one” structures. As of December 31, 2023, our regulatory assets under management
were $6,125,288,229, with $1,724,769,448 managed on a discretionary basis and
$4,400,518,781 managed on a non-discretionary basis. The non-discretionary figure relates to
intra group investment advisory activities performed for clients of our affiliated entities.
Orchard’s general partner is OGAM GP, LLC, which is wholly owned and controlled by OGCG
US Holdings LLC.
Orchard provides investment advisory services to institutional investors and other sophisticated
investors through commingled private investment funds and separately managed accounts,
including through “fund-of-one” structures (each, a “client” and, collectively, the “clients”). We
also provide investment advisory services directly to our affiliate Orchard Global Asset
Management LLP. We primarily invest in various credit strategies on behalf of our clients,
including structured credit, direct lending, and fixed income investment services.
We tailor our advisory services to the individual needs and specified investment mandate of our
advisory clients. Dependent on client objectives, we may seek various investment strategies in
the private and public credit spaces such as bank capital solutions, specialty lending, leveraged
loans/CLOs, litigation finance or structured credit opportunities. The sub-advisory agreements
and investment management agreements do not require us to tailor our services to the needs of
specific underlying investors in commingled funds. For such funds, we will adhere to the
investment strategy set forth in each offering memorandum and the operating documents of the
relevant client, including any relevant investment guidelines or restrictions set forth therein.
and its clients have the right to enter and have entered into agreements, such as side
letters, with certain underlying investors in such clients that may in each case provide for terms
of investment that are more favorable than the terms provided to other investors in such clients.
Such terms may include waivers or discounts on management fees and/or performance
compensation, “most favored nation” clauses, the right to be excused from participating in
certain investments made by a client, notice rights upon the occurrence of certain events, seats
on a client’s limited partner advisory committee, specialized or additional reporting rights, rights
related to tax treatment, rights related to regulatory matters, rights related to immunities or
indemnification, rights related to the ability of the investor to transfer its interest in the client,
additional representations and warranties from the client, its general partner and/or the firm,
modifications to the subscription agreement and other benefits. Certain funds (and/or underlying
investors) also negotiate for investment exposure (or investment limitations) with respect to
specific industries, sectors, geographic regions or investments. In the case of separately managed
accounts, including “fund-of-one” structures, Orchard may tailor its services to the individual
needs of the underlying investors as determined with such investors on a case-by-case basis.
From time to time, Orchard offers co-investment opportunities and/or manages co-investment
vehicles that participate in investment opportunities in which the clients invest.
We do not participate in wrap fee programs, and our clients do not currently make any
cryptocurrency related investments. Additionally, while Orchard integrates financially material
sustainability factors into its investment decision-making process when relevant to a client’s
particular strategy, Orchard does not currently pursue any investment strategies with
environmental, social or governance related objectives.