Stanley Capital Management, LLC ("Stanley Capital") is a Texas limited liability company
and has its principal place of business in Houston, Texas. Stanley Capital was formed and
has been in business since July 29, 2010. Stanley Capital acts as investment manager to a
private fund, Stanley Partners Fund, LP (the "Fund" or the "Stanley Partners Fund"), for
sophisticated, qualified investors, including high net worth individuals, funds of funds,
family offices, endowments and other institutions.*
Stanley Capital is wholly owned by Stanley Capital Holdings, LP, an entity controlled by Bret
W. Stanley, the Founder and Managing Partner of Stanley Capital.
Stanley Capital pursues its investment strategy through managing the Fund. Stanley Capital
has discretion with respect to investment decisions made for the Fund. Stanley Capital
provides investment advisory services to the Fund based on the particular investment
objectives and strategies described in the Fund's confidential offering memorandum (if any)
and governing documents (referred to collectively as "Offering Documents"). Currently,
Stanley Capital provides specialized advisory services to the
Fund which are based on
Stanley's qualitative and quantitative analysis to select long and short equity investments for
the Fund.
All discussion of the Fund in this brochure, including but not limited to its investments,
the strategies used in managing the Fund, and conflicts of interest faced by Stanley
Capital in connection with the management of the Fund are qualified in their entirety
by reference to the Fund's Offering Documents.
Stanley Capital does not participate in wrap fee programs.
As of December 31, 2023, in client accounts managed on a discretionary basis, Stanley
Capital had approximately $455 million in assets under management. Client accounts
advised on a non-discretionary basis had approximately $0 in assets under management.
* As a registered investment adviser, the Adviser owes a fiduciary duty to all of its clients. In 2006, the decision
by the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit in Goldstein v. SEC, 451 F.3d 873 (D.C. Cir. June 23, 2006), with
respect to private funds, clarified that the "client" of an investment adviser to a private fund is the fund itself
and not an investor in the fund.