other names
{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }}
Headquarters {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date 08/01/2024
Adviser Type - Large advisory firm
Number of Employees 91 49.18%
of those in investment advisory functions 56 64.71%
Registration SEC, Approved, 08/17/2017
AUM* 18,307,316,459 25.76%
of that, discretionary 18,307,316,459 25.76%
Private Fund GAV* 18,861,816,460 17.31%
Avg Account Size 704,127,556 -8.10%
SMA’s No
Private Funds 19 8
Contact Info 212 xxxxxxx

Client Types

- Pooled investment vehicles

Advisory Activities

- Portfolio management for pooled investment vehicles

Compensation Arrangments

- A percentage of assets under your management
- Performance-based fees

Reported AUM

15B 12B 10B 8B 6B 4B 2B
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Private Funds


Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Fund TypeHedge Fund Count6 GAV$13,717,263,228
Fund TypePrivate Equity Fund Count2 GAV$514,753,232
Fund TypeSecuritized Asset Fund Count11 GAV$4,629,800,000

Similar advisers

Adviser Hedge Fund Liquidity Fund Private Equity Fund Real Estate Fund Securitized Asset Fund Venture Capital Fund Other Fund Total Private Fund GAV AUM #Funds
Adviser BRIGADE CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, LP Hedge Fund11.7b Liquidity Fund- Private Equity Fund157.0k Real Estate Fund- Securitized Asset Fund9.7b Venture Capital Fund- Other Fund- Total Private Fund GAV21.4b AUM27.9b #Funds77
Adviser NAPIER PARK GLOBAL CAPITAL LTD Hedge Fund1.3b Liquidity Fund- Private Equity Fund- Real Estate Fund- Securitized Asset Fund3.6b Venture Capital Fund- Other Fund- Total Private Fund GAV4.9b AUM5.1b #Funds11
Adviser ALCENTRA LIMITED Hedge Fund10.5b Liquidity Fund- Private Equity Fund475.5m Real Estate Fund- Securitized Asset Fund5.9b Venture Capital Fund- Other Fund84.4m Total Private Fund GAV17.0b AUM20.4b #Funds36
Adviser ANCHORAGE CAPITAL GROUP, L.L.C. Hedge Fund6.5b Liquidity Fund- Private Equity Fund- Real Estate Fund- Securitized Asset Fund- Venture Capital Fund- Other Fund- Total Private Fund GAV6.5b AUM6.3b #Funds10
Adviser SOUND POINT CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, LP Hedge Fund4.1b Liquidity Fund- Private Equity Fund237.3m Real Estate Fund- Securitized Asset Fund17.7b Venture Capital Fund- Other Fund162.8m Total Private Fund GAV22.2b AUM38.4b #Funds58
Adviser PRETIUM CREDIT MANAGEMENT, LLC Hedge Fund434.3m Liquidity Fund- Private Equity Fund505.9m Real Estate Fund- Securitized Asset Fund2.4b Venture Capital Fund- Other Fund- Total Private Fund GAV3.4b AUM3.2b #Funds13
Adviser STWD INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT, LLC Hedge Fund- Liquidity Fund- Private Equity Fund- Real Estate Fund- Securitized Asset Fund315.7m Venture Capital Fund- Other Fund571.6m Total Private Fund GAV887.3m AUM5.0b #Funds2
Adviser OAK HILL ADVISORS, L.P. Hedge Fund27.7b Liquidity Fund- Private Equity Fund- Real Estate Fund- Securitized Asset Fund18.6b Venture Capital Fund- Other Fund- Total Private Fund GAV46.3b AUM71.3b #Funds74
Adviser GUGGENHEIM PARTNERS INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT, LLC Hedge Fund3.1b Liquidity Fund- Private Equity Fund180.1m Real Estate Fund- Securitized Asset Fund4.0b Venture Capital Fund- Other Fund- Total Private Fund GAV7.3b AUM208.8b #Funds52
Adviser GOLDENTREE ASSET MANAGEMENT LP Hedge Fund24.6b Liquidity Fund- Private Equity Fund- Real Estate Fund- Securitized Asset Fund16.0b Venture Capital Fund- Other Fund3.2b Total Private Fund GAV43.8b AUM56.6b #Funds58

Top Holdings

Stock Ticker Stock Name $ Position % Position $ Change # Change
Stck Ticker46090E103 Stock NameINVESCO QQQ TR (CALL) $ Position$239,555,000 % Position28.00% $ Change80.00% # Change67.00%
Stck Ticker097023105 Stock NameBOEING CO (PUT) $ Position$91,005,000 % Position11.00% $ Change # Change
Stck Ticker21874A106 Stock NameCORE SCIENTIFIC INC NEW $ Position$79,050,000 % Position9.00% $ Change # Change
Stck Ticker75606DAP6 Stock NameREALOGY GRP LLC/REALOGY CO $ Position$57,068,396 % Position7.00% $ Change12.00% # Change11.00%
Stck TickerG93A5A101 Stock NameVIKING HOLDINGS LTD $ Position$50,910,000 % Position6.00% $ Change # Change
Stck Ticker25470MAF6 Stock NameDISH NETWORK CORPORATION $ Position$53,599,680 % Position6.00% $ Change-18.00% # Change-18.00%
Stck Ticker464287242 Stock NameISHARES TR $ Position$53,560,000 % Position6.00% $ Change-84.00% # Change-83.00%
Stck Ticker21874A106 Stock NameCORE SCIENTIFIC INC NEW (CALL) $ Position$32,550,000 % Position4.00% $ Change # Change
Stck Ticker74164F103 Stock NamePRIMORIS SVCS CORP $ Position$33,080,113 % Position4.00% $ Change20.00% # Change2.00%
Stck Ticker844741108 Stock NameSOUTHWEST AIRLS CO (PUT) $ Position$28,610,000 % Position3.00% $ Change # Change

Brochure Summary