Schechter Private Capital, LLC (“SPC”) is a is an SEC registered investment advisor that was formed in April
of 2016. SPC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company is owned by members Marc Schechter and Aaron
Hodari (the “Members”).
SPC provides investment advice and management services to private pooled investment vehicles
(collectively “Funds” – in various places below, the term “Fund” also references individual segregated series
of one or more private pooled investment vehicles managed by SPC).
SPC serves as the manager, or investment manager of various Funds. SPC does not provide investment
advice directly to individuals.
The Funds advised by SPC generally employ a Venture Capital and/or Private Equity strategy, whereby the
Fund exists for the purpose of investing in private company securities. Other and alternative goals may be
set forth in a Fund’s key offering documents, including Private Placement Memorandums (PPMs) and
subsequent PPM supplements. SPC currently advises a “Series LLC”, with multiple underlying Series
representing different investments. In many cases, the individual series have Series-specific fees, terms,
limitations, objectives, and disclosures. Investors can choose to participate in one or more Series of a SPC
managed Fund (with investment profit or loss generally being specific to the Series in which an investor may
choose to invest).
As the investments in each Fund are different, and require different due diligence and ongoing management,
SPC tailors its management style and investment oversight to what it believes is appropriate for each
individual Fund or Series.
Funds are only offered (by way of selectively distributed private placement memorandum and other offering
documents) to accredited investors and qualified clients meeting certain sophistication and financial
requirements (or, in certain cases, “knowledgeable employees”). Certain series of the fund are only available
to qualified purchasers. As used in this Disclosure Brochure, the term “accredited investor” is as defined in
Page 4 Regulation D under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended
(the “Securities Act”) and “qualified
purchaser” is as defined in Section 2(a)(51) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the “Investment
Company Act”). The term “knowledgeable employee” used in this Disclosure Brochure is as defined under
Rule 3c-5 of the Investment Company Act.
Investors and prospective investors should refer to the Fund offering documents for a complete description
of the risks, investment objectives and strategies, conflicts of interest, fees, and other relevant information
pertaining to each investment. SPC manages each Fund’s investments in accordance with the investment
objectives and strategies set forth in such Fund’s offering documents. Certain Funds have a minimum capital
commitment and if so, it will be stated in the Fund’s offering documents.
SPC identifies, evaluates, and selects potential opportunities in which to invest and monitors the ongoing
performance of investments and issues concerning potential investment sale/distribution related matters.
SPC generally targets investments in companies with what it believes to be above average growth prospects
based on competitive positioning, proprietary technology, emerging industry status, and several other factors
that suggest higher growth prospects. The investments generally made by the Funds are subjective in nature,
but SPC seeks to mitigate risk through investment due diligence and legal structuring.
Certain Funds may gain exposure to underlying companies via feeder funds. In cases where SPC cannot
gain direct access to the desired investment with the company itself, SPC may work with other private fund
managers to gain access to their investment vehicle (private funds) which owns the underlying holdings in
target company/securities.
While this can increase the level of complexity and fees, it can also provide unique access and, in certain
cases, operational efficiencies.
SPC does not participate in wrap fee programs.
Assets Under Management
As of December 31, 2023, SPC has $389,478,841 of assets under management on a discretionary basis,
with $0 being considered non-discretionary.