Channing Global Advisors, LLC (“Channing Global” or “Firm”) is a privately-held
investment management firm founded in September 2017 by Channing Capital
Management, LLC (“Channing Capital”) and Joséphine Jiménez, who together serve as
the Firm’s managing members and also as co-owners along with senior portfolio
manager and owner Ronald Holt. Formed in the State of Delaware and headquartered
in Miami, Florida, Channing Global is a majority-owned subsidiary of Channing Capital.
Under the management of Managing Director, Chief Investment Officer and Portfolio
Manager Joséphine Jiménez, Channing Global specializes in emerging-markets, global,
and international equity investing, primarily on behalf of institutional clients through
separate or managed accounts or pooled/private investment vehicles.In this
institutional manager role, Channing Global adheres to the customized written
investment objectives, guidelines, and restrictions of its institutional clients as per the
governing customized institutional investment management agreement.
Institutional Pooled/Commingled Investment Vehicles. Regarding institutional
pooled or commingled investment vehicles or funds, Channing Global also provides
institutional investment manager services to the Series B Emerging Markets Small-Cap
Fund and the Series C Emerging Markets All-Cap Fund, both Series Funds of the
Channing Investor Series Fund, LLC, a private institutional investment fund vehicle
deployingcertainChanningGlobalinvestmentstrategiesfor certain qualified
institutional investors (“Institutional Fund Vehicle”). Channing Series Management
Company, LLC an affiliate of the Firm, serves as the sponsoring general manager of
this Institutional Fund Vehicle. This institutional vehicle and its Series Funds are offered
exclusively to certain qualified institutional investors under each fund’s respective
Confidential Private
Placement Memorandum (PPM) and please refer to such
respective fund PPM for additional details on the terms and conditions of an investment
in such applicable series fund vehicle. Additionally, Channing Global serves from time
to time as fund sub-adviser to unaffiliated registered investment companies or mutual
funds under the Investment Company Act of 1940.
Model Portfolio Management/UMA Platforms & Programs. Channing Global also
provides continuous portfolio management and advisory services to model-based
unified managed account platforms and programs (“UMA Platforms/Programs”). Each
model portfolio is designed to meet a particular investment strategy. The Firm provides
these model portfolios to select broker-dealers and investment advisers (“Model
Platform Sponsors”). The Model Platform Sponsors initially determine whether the
model is suitable to a particular client's circumstances. The client portfolio is then
managed according to the model's strategy, rather than each client's individual needs.
We generally structure these models using the same approach as we do for our
separately-managed account clients. Generally, the only differences are due to
separately-managed client-imposed investment and trading guidelines and restrictions.
However, the Firm, at its discretion, may structure custom models at the request of
Model Platform Sponsors. Generally, the Firm is not responsible for trade execution and
other related functions within the UMA Platforms/Programs it advises and has no
discretion over the client assets subscribed to our model portfolios made available
through the Model Platform Sponsors.
As of 2/29/2024, Channing Global has approximately $553.4 Million of total assets
under management (“AUM”) as follows:
Discretionary AUM: $553.4 Million in AUM (approx.)
Non-Discretionary AUM: $0.