Firm Description
Tuatara Capital, L.P. (the “Firm” and “Tuatara”) was founded in 2014 as a specialized alternative
investment manager to focus exclusively on the legal cannabis industry. Tuatara provides managerial
services to Tuatara Capital Fund I, L.P., Tuatara Capital Parallel Fund I, L.P. and Tuatara Capital Fund
II, L.P. (each, a “Fund” and together, “Funds”) and TC CIP III, L.P., TC CIP IV, L.P. and TC CIP V, L.P.
(each, a “Co-Investment” and together, “Co-Investments”).
Tuatara Capital Partners I, LLC serves as the general partner of Tuatara Capital Fund I, L.P. and Tuatara
Capital Parallel Fund I, L.P., Tuatara Capital Partners II, LLC serves as the general partner of Tuatara
Capital Fund II, L.P., TC Partners CIP I, LLC serves as the general partner of TC CIP III, L.P. and TC CIP
IV, L.P., and TC Partners CIP II, LLC serves as the general partner of TC CIP V, L.P (each, a “General
Partner” and together, “General Partners”). The General Partner of each Fund and Co-Investment has
full and exclusive management authority over all investments, investment decisions, asset
dispositions, distributions and other affairs of the Funds and Co-Investments. The General Partner to
each Fund and Co-Investment files as a relying adviser under Tuatara since they are under common
ownership, share the same office space and the same employees.
Principal Owners
The Principal
Owners are Albert Foreman, Marc Riiska and Mark Zittman through MZ Trust Holdings,
Types of Advisory Services
Tuatara is a specialized private equity firm that exclusively focuses on the legal cannabis industry.
Tuatara invests in companies with strong financial profiles and sound business models that are well-
positioned to benefit from long-term trends within the rapidly evolving cannabis sector. Tuatara will
only support companies operating legally in states with cannabis regulatory schemes that comply with
the guidance that has been issued by the U.S. Department of Justice.
Modified Strategy
The General Partner is responsible for providing investment management services for each Fund and
Co-Investment in accordance with the terms set forth in the governing documents and does not modify
its investment strategy to individual investor’s needs.
The General Partner offers co-investment opportunities to the investors of the Funds, the General
Partner, its employees, or others as deemed appropriate. Typically, the investment terms of the target
company are the same in the Fund and Co-Investment. All Co-investments are subject to any
applicable legal, tax or regulatory considerations.
Assets Under Management
As of December 31, 2023, Tuatara has approximately $202.5 million USD in discretionary regulatory
assets under management.