Sandbridge, a Delaware limited liability company, was formed in May 2013 and became a registered
investment adviser with the SEC on July 20, 2018. As indicated on the Firm’s Form ADV Part 1A, Ken
Suslow, through indirect ownership, is the Firm’s principal owner.
Sandbridge is an investment management firm that provides advisory services on a discretionary basis to a
number of privately offered pooled investment vehicles (collectively, the “Funds” and “Advisory Clients”
and each a “Fund” and “Advisory Client”).
Entities affiliated with Sandbridge serve as the general partners (each an “Affiliated General Partner”
and, collectively, the “Affiliated General Partners”) of the Funds. Each of the Affiliated General Partners
is a related person of Sandbridge and is under common control with Sandbridge. While each Affiliated
General Partner retains management authority over the business and affairs, including investment decisions,
of its respective Advisory Client, Sandbridge has been delegated the role of investment adviser.
The Firm primarily invests assets in equity and preferred or convertible equity interests in private companies
providing goods and services to consumers. The Firm may also make other forms of investment in such
private companies, such as senior and subordinate indebtedness, mezzanine debt and convertible debt, or
make private investments in public companies (PIPEs).
Sandbridge does not limit its investment advice to only certain types of investments. Please see Item 8.A.
for additional information regarding the Firm’s investment strategy.
Sandbridge offers co-investment opportunities to certain investors interested in participating in such
opportunities. Decisions regarding whether and to whom to offer co-investment opportunities, as well as
the applicable terms, are made in the sole discretion of Sandbridge or its related persons or other participants
in the applicable transactions, such as co-sponsors. As such, co-investment opportunities may be offered
to some and not other Fund investors, in the sole discretion of Sandbridge or its related persons, and certain
persons other than Fund investors, will, from time to time be offered co-investment opportunities, in the
sole discretion of Sandbridge or its related persons.
Sandbridge’s investment management and advisory services to Advisory Clients are provided pursuant to
the terms of the applicable private placement memorandum, offering documents or governing documents
and Fund investors cannot obtain services tailored to their individual specific needs.
Sandbridge has entered into side letter arrangements with certain Fund investors providing such investors
with different or preferential rights or terms, including but not limited to different fee structures and other
preferential economic rights, information and reporting rights, excuse or exclusion rights, waiver of certain
confidentiality obligations, co-investment rights, certain rights or terms necessary in light of particular
legal, regulatory or policy requirements of a particular investor, additional obligations and restrictions with
respect to structuring particular investments in light of the legal and regulatory considerations applicable to
a particular investor, veto rights and liquidity or transfer rights. Except as otherwise agreed with an investor,
the Firm (or applicable Affiliated General Partner) is not required to disclose the terms of side letter
arrangements with other investors in the same Advisory Client.
Sandbridge does not participate in a wrap fee program.
As of December 31, 2023, Sandbridge managed approximately $261,322,973 in regulatory assets under
management on a discretionary basis. Sandbridge does not intend to manage any Advisory Client assets
on a non-discretionary basis.