Tabor Asset Management, LP is an investment adviser with its principal place of business located
in New York, New York. Tabor Asset Management, LP will be referred to in this Brochure as
(“Tabor”), (“we”), (“us”), (“Investment Manager”) or the (“Firm.”) Tabor was founded in 2018
by Jonathan Jacoby, its principal owner. The ownership is held through Jonathan Jacoby and Tabor
GP, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company.
Tabor acts as investment manager, providing the day-to-day management and investment advisory
services to the Tabor Opportunities Master Fund, LP, a Cayman Islands limited partnership (the
“Master Fund”), Tabor Opportunities, LP, a Delaware limited partnership (“Onshore Fund”),
and Tabor Offshore Opportunities, LTD (“Offshore Fund” and collectively with Master Fund and
Onshore Fund, the “Funds”). Tabor provides advice to the Funds as set forth in the applicable
governing and Offering Documents (“Offering Documents”). Tabor Advisers, LLC, a Delaware
limited liability company (the “General Partner”), is the general partner to the Master Fund and
Onshore Fund.
Tabor also provides investment advisory services to clients in separately managed accounts
(“SMAs” and together with the Funds, “Advisory Clients”) with similar investment objectives
and strategies as the Funds. For SMAs, the Investment Manager will discuss the investment
strategy with each Advisory Client, and come to a mutual agreement with the client on any
investment restrictions that the Advisory Client wishes to impose.
The Firm’s principal objective is to generate long term-capital appreciation
that is uncorrelated
with the broader equity markets. The Investment Manager will seek to achieve this objective
through the implementation of a global long-short equity strategy focused in the technology,
media, telecommunications, and consumer (“TMT&C”) sectors.
Tabor does not limit its investment advice to only certain types of investments.
The Firm’s advisory services are provided to its Advisory Clients. The specific investment
objectives and strategies for the Firm’s Advisory Clients are detailed in the relevant offering
documents or investment management agreements (“Agreements”). The advisory services the
Funds receive are tailored to meet the specified investment objectives and strategies as set forth in
the Funds’ Offering Documents. An investor admitted into the Onshore Fund shall be considered
a “Limited Partner” whereas an investor admitted into the Offshore Fund shall be considered a
“Shareholder,” and collectively with Limited Partners, “Investors.” The Funds may impose
restrictions on investing in certain types of securities in accordance with achieving its investment
objectives and strategies.
Tabor may tailor advisory services to the individual needs of SMA clients on a case-by-case basis
and may allow such SMA clients to impose restrictions on investing in certain securities. Any such
restrictions will be described in the relevant investment management agreement(s).
Tabor does not participate in wrap-fee programs.
All accounts are managed on a discretionary basis. As of December 31st, 2023, Tabor managed
$303,412,079 in assets under management.