Slotnik Capital, LLC, founded in 2022, is a Delaware limited liability company and an investment
advisor based in Dallas, Texas. Slotnik provides investment management services to private
pooled investment vehicle Slotnik Merger Arbitrage, LP (the “Fund” or “Client”), a Delaware
limited partnership.
Interests in the Fund are offered to eligible investors on a private placement basis. We have full
discretionary authority with respect to the investment decisions of the Fund. Our investment
advisory services are provided in accordance with the investment objectives and guidelines set
forth in the Fund’s offering and governing documents. The information set forth in this brochure
is qualified in its entirety by the Fund’s offering and governing documents. Sophzac, LLC, a
Delaware limited liability company (the “General Partner”), is the general partner of the Fund.
The General Partner is an affiliate of the Firm’s and a Relying Adviser (the “Relying Adviser”).
Slotnik and the Relying Adviser have together filed a single Form ADV, are subject to a unified
compliance program administered by a single Chief Compliance Officer and hold themselves out
to current and potential investors as conducting a single advisory business. References in this
Brochure to Slotnik shall include the Relying Adviser, as appropriate.
The Firm is wholly owned and controlled by Charles B. Slotnik (the “Principal”). The Principal
is additionally the sole member and sole manager of the General Partner.
Slotnik serves as investment manager to the Fund, primarily with respect to investments in publicly
traded global equity and equity-related securities and opportunistic investments in debt securities.
The Fund is currently the Firm’s only advisory client. Slotnik is responsible
for investing and re-
investing the capital of the Fund in accordance with the investment objectives, policies, and
guidelines set forth in the Fund’s offering and governing documents. See “Item 8: Methods of
Analysis, Investment Strategies and Risk of Loss.”
We generally provide investment advice to the Fund in accordance with the investment objectives,
policies, and guidelines set forth in the Fund’s offering and governing documents, and not in
accordance with the individual needs or objectives of any particular investor in the Fund. Investors
generally are not permitted to impose restrictions on investments in certain securities or types of
securities or limitations on the management of the Fund. At its discretion, the Fund may enter into
agreements (“Side Letters”), with certain prospective or existing investors, including with an
Initial Strategic Investor, as described further below in Item 5, whereby such investors may be
subject to terms and conditions that are more advantageous than those in the Fund’s offering and
governing documents. For example, such terms and conditions may include reduced fees.
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Interests in the Fund are privately offered only to eligible investors pursuant to exemptions under
the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), and the regulations promulgated
thereunder. The Fund is not and will not be registered with the Securities and Exchange
Commission (the “SEC”) as an investment company based on a specific exclusion from the
definition of investment company under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the
“Company Act”).
As of December 31, 2023, the firm has approximately $331 million in regulatory assets under
management. All assets are managed on a discretionary basis.
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