Roanoke Asset Management Corp. (referred to in this Brochure as "Roanoke" or “we”, “us” or "our") is a SEC-
registered investment adviser with its principal place of business located in New Jersey. Roanoke began
conducting business in 1978. As of 12/31/2023, Roanoke managed $317,882,483, all on a discretionary basis.
Listed below are Roanoke's principal shareholders (i.e., those individuals and/or entities controlling 25% or more
of this company).
Edwin G. Vroom, President
Adele S. Weisman, Senior Vice President
Roanoke offers the following advisory services to our clients:
We provide continuous advice to our individual portfolio management clients regarding the investment of client
funds based on the individual needs of the client. Through personal discussions in which goals and objectives
based on a client's particular circumstances are established, we develop a client's particular investment policy
and create and manage a portfolio based on that policy. During our data-gathering process, we determine the
client’s objectives, time horizons, risk tolerance, and liquidity needs. As appropriate, we also review and discuss
a client's prior investment history, including, in the case of individual clients, family composition and
We manage these advisory accounts
on a discretionary basis. Account supervision is guided by the client's
stated objectives (e.g., maximum capital appreciation, growth, income, growth and income, or preservation of
capital), as well as tax considerations.
Clients may impose reasonable restrictions on investing in certain securities, types of securities, or industry
Our investment recommendations are not limited to any specific product or service offered by a broker-dealer or
insurance company and will generally include advice regarding the following securities:
•Exchange-listed securities
•Securities traded over-the-counter
•Foreign issuers
•Corporate debt securities (other than commercial paper)
•Municipal securities
•United States governmental securities
•Options contracts on securities
•Interests in Roanoke Partners, L.P., a securities investment partnership that invests in small capitalization growth
stocks. Roanoke Partners L.P. is an aggressive capital gains oriented-vehicle that engages in short
sales and leverage. A related person of Roanoke serves as a General Partner of Roanoke Partners, L.P.
Because some types of investments involve certain additional degrees of risk, they will only be
implemented/recommended when consistent with the client's stated investment objectives, tolerance for risk,
liquidity and suitability.
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