ASC, a New York Limited Liability Company, was founded in January of 1981 and is majority owned by its
senior executives; Craig Steinberg, Robert Ruland, and Matthew Ward. The remaining minority ownership
is held by Evercore Partners Services East, LLC, a wholly owned company of Evercore Partners Inc. ASC
is a registered investment adviser dedicated to providing quality, separate account investment management
services to its clients. All investment decisions are made on behalf of its client accounts by members of
ASC’s Investment Committee and Fixed Income Committee.
ASC provides investment advisory services on a discretionary basis to separately managed accounts
including individuals, trusts, tax exempt funds (such as pension, annuity and profit-sharing plans), charitable
organizations (such as endowments and foundations), State and Municipal government entities and
corporations. The investment advisory services are provided based on written agreements between the client
and ASC. The investment advisory services include, without limitation, management of equity, balanced and
fixed income portfolios. These services are provided by ASC based on the client's financial goals and
objectives which are provided by the client.
ASC provides investment advisory services to numerous separately managed accounts that have substantially
similar investment objectives and similar portfolio holdings and characteristics. However, ASC clients
having substantially similar investment objectives will not have identical investment portfolios. Differing
investment portfolios can be expected to result from several factors, including, without limitation, the
following: regulatory constraints that apply to certain accounts but not to others; investment constraints
imposed by the client; and the amount of cash available for investment at certain times. As a result, accounts
may have a different investment portfolio and performance results than other accounts even though the
accounts have substantially
similar investment objectives. In addition, there may be circumstances when one
account will sell a security while another account may purchase the security on the same day, primarily due
to cash contributions and/or withdrawals.
ASC recommends third party investment advisors to provide investment advisory services to certain client
accounts. In such arrangements, ASC provides other financial services to these clients such as performance
reporting and related services.
Atalanta Sosnoff Management, LLC (“ASM”) is a registered investment advisor and a wholly owned
subsidiary of ASC. ASC is retained by ASM as the sub advisor on all of ASM’s client accounts at no fee.
All investment decisions made on behalf of ASM's client accounts are made or given by members of ASC’s
Investment Committee and the Fixed Income Committee. ASC and ASM share employees and physical
space in its New York City headquarters.
A small number of ASC's accounts, including accounts owned by its employees, their families, close
associates and certain charitable organizations are managed without a management fee and/or, in certain
cases, under special arrangements in which the client continues to exercise investment authority over their
account. In addition, a small number of discretionary account clients also maintain non-discretionary
accounts in which the clients make their own investment decisions without any investment advisory services
provided by ASM or ASC personnel. The non-discretionary client accounts use ASC to communicate trade
orders to their custodial broker-dealer on their behalf. ASM and ASC do not receive any compensation from
non-discretionary accounts. ASM and ASC employees and their families will participate in bunched orders
with the Firm's client accounts at an average price if it is beneficial to the client to do so subject to the
Company’s Code of Ethics.
As of December 31, 2023, ASC managed $4,212 million on a discretionary basis on behalf of approximately
192 clients.