Churchill is a California corporation that has been in business since 1963. Churchill serves as the
investment adviser to multiple client Accounts and investment limited partnerships. Churchill’s
controlling owner is Fred A. Fern. As of March 31, 2024, Churchill had total discretionary assets
under management of approximately $8,829,966,255 and had total non-discretionary assets under
management of approximately $181,797,075.
Churchill invests on behalf of its clients principally, but not solely, in equity and equity-related
securities that are traded publicly, but is authorized to enter into any type of investment transaction
that it deems appropriate, pursuant to the terms of the client’s partnership or other Account
The investors in the funds that Churchill manages have no opportunity to select or
evaluate any
fund investments or strategies. Churchill selects all fund investments and strategies.
Churchill also provides financial planning services for clients that specifically engage Churchill
for that service. Churchill may assist a Client in hiring professionals, such as CPAs and Estate
Attorneys, but does not endorse any such professional. It is ultimately the Client's responsibility
to interview and hire such professional based on their own judgment.
Churchill also provides advice to Retirement Plan clients regarding the investment options,
including investment options managed by Churchill that may be offered to participants in the
Retirement Plan.
Each client selects a strategy based on the individual needs of the client. Churchill’s discretionary
authority can be limited as described in Item 16.