Principal Owners
Lepercq de Neuflize Asset Management (“LNAM” or the
“Firm”) is an investment advisor with its principal place of
business in New York, New York. LNAM has been registered
with the SEC as an investment advisor since 2002.
The principal owner of LNAM is Lepercq, de Neuflize & Co.,
Incorporated (“LN&Co.”). Executive officers of the Firm,
listed within Schedule A to the Firm’s Form ADV Part I, are
minority owners of the firm.
Firm Description
LNAM provides investment management services on a
discretionary basis to pooled investment vehicles (each a
“Fund” or collectively, the “Funds”). In addition, LNAM
serves as an investment adviser with discretionary trading
authority over separately managed accounts (the "Managed
Accounts"). Managed Accounts and Funds may be referred to
as Clients throughout this document. LNAM provides
to its Clients based on specific investment objectives and
strategies, set forth within the organizational and offering
documents of each respective Fund (collectively, the
“Offering Documents”) and the investment management
agreements for each respective Managed Account.
LNAM allocates Fund assets through third party managers,
sub-advisors (“Sub-Mangers”) or direct with investments
containing a wide variety of global securities and other
instruments including but not limited to equities, fixed
income, currencies, commodities, futures contracts, options
and other derivative instruments. Each Client Document
generally describe such Client’s investment strategies and
Regulatory Assets Under Management
Discretionary: $524,629,731
Non- Discretionary: $0
Total: $524,629,731
*Estimated as of 12/31/2023s