A. Description of our advisory firm, including how long we have been in business and our
principal owner(s).
LBA is an independent Canadian investment management firm founded in 1987. The founders
and major shareholders of LBA are Mr. Peter Letko and Mr. Daniel Brosseau. They each
indirectly own 42% of LBA and have had a majority ownership since the inception of the firm.
LBA is registered as an investment fund manager, exempt market dealer and as an adviser in
the category of portfolio manager in each of the provinces and territories of Canada. LBA is also
registered as a financial planning firm in the province of Québec.
The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority has granted LBA a license to carry out investment
services in Denmark pursuant to section 33 of the Danish Financial Business Act.
LBA is also an SEC-registered investment adviser with no place of business in the United
LBA offers investment advisory services to institutional investors including, but not limited to,
pension funds, endowments and foundations, and to wealthy individuals.
B. Description of the types of advisory services we offer.
Investment management services
LBA provides investment management services on a discretionary basis to its clients, using an
approach based on fundamental analysis, broad diversification, an international perspective,
careful stock selection and low turnover. Our style is conservative. We do not short securities
and we do not trade in options or derivatives.
Types of mandates currently offered to U.S. investors:
• Global Balanced
• Canadian Balanced
• Fossil Fuel Free Global Equity (Canadian and foreign equities, including US)
• Fossil Fuel Free Global Equity (US and foreign equities)
• Canadian Equity Income (with up to 30% foreign equity component, including US)
• Canadian Equity (institutional mandates only - minimum of US$10 million)
• US Equity
• Global Equity (Canadian and foreign equities, including US)
• EAFE Equity
• Canadian Equity Plus (with up to 40%
foreign equity component, including US)
• Foreign Equity (only non-Canadian equities)
• Emerging Markets Equity
• Infrastructure Equity
Fixed Income
• Fixed Income (minimum of US$25 million)
Financial planning services
The service we currently offer to our Canadian clients is the establishment of income projection
scenarios, achieved by examining clients’ personal and family tax and financial situation, at the
time of retirement and death. We also provide recommendations related to the pursued
C. Explanation of how we tailor our services to the individual needs of clients.
LBA provides portfolio management services to its clients based on the specific investment
objectives and strategies described in the discretionary investment management agreement
entered into by LBA and each of its clients. In particular cases, clients might want to impose
restrictions on investing in certain securities or give certain parameters to respect in which
cases, these specific restrictions would be included in the discretionary investment management
agreement between LBA and the client. LBA has an obligation to assess whether a particular
strategy or security is suitable for a client within the context of the client’s entire portfolio. The
account information form (“KYC”) and client meetings serve as the basis for establishing this
suitability. LBA also has a responsibility to help a client determine the appropriate asset
allocation that LBA will follow when managing the portfolio and advise him of the risks the
different investment strategies entail.
D. Participation in wrap fee programs
LBA does not participate in wrap fee programs.
E. Client assets managed on a discretionary basis.
LBA manages all of its portfolios on a discretionary basis, meaning that clients contractually
grant LBA the authority to buy and sell securities within their accounts without requesting prior
client permission to do so. LBA had approximately US$15.4 billion in assets under management
as of September 30, 2023.