J. Brett Robertson, the principal owner of Robertson Opportunity Capital, LLC (“ROC”),
formed ROC in 1995.
ROC is the general partner of Robertson Opportunity Capital Partners, L.P. (“ROCP”).
ROCP is the general partner of Robertson Opportunity Fund, L.P., a domestic hedge fund,
as well as the general partner of Robertson Opportunity Master, L.P., a British Virgin
Islands domiciled hedge fund.
In its role as general partner and investment adviser, ROCP provides investment advice by
identifying, evaluating and investing in suitable securities on behalf of the funds. Because
ROCP provides investment advice related to specific securities for each of the two pooled
vehicles, each pool is treated as one advisory client for purposes of this ADV. ROC, as the
general partner and controlling person of ROCP, provides investment advice together with
ROCP as part of a single advisory business to each of these two advisory clients. As a
result, ROC
and ROCP filed a single Form ADV with the SEC (ROC and ROCP together
referred to as “we”).
We employ a fundamental, bottom-up, research-driven approach to identify and evaluate
suitable securities. We use a concentrated, all-cap, value-based long/short strategy. We
are investors (not speculators) and seek to exploit neglected or misunderstood situations.
We also look across the entire capital structure for the best risk/reward opportunities.
We adhere to the investment strategy set forth in our fund clients’ offering documents.
We do not tailor our advisory services to the individual needs of investors who are invested
in the fund clients, and they may not impose restrictions on investing in certain securities
or types of securities.
We managed $301,393,454 of client regulatory assets under management on a
discretionary basis (calculated as of December 31, 2023). We do not manage any client
assets on a non-discretionary basis.