Greylock Capital Management, LLC (“Greylock Capital”) is a Delaware limited liability
company organized in 2003. Greylock Capital is a wholly owned subsidiary of Greylock
Capital Associates, LLC (“GCA”), a Delaware limited liability company organized in 2003.
Greylock Capital and its predecessor entities have been in business since 1997. The principal
owners of Greylock Capital are Willem J. Humes and Ajata Mediratta.
Greylock Capital provides discretionary and non-discretionary investment management
services to its clients, which are certain private funds (the “Greylock Global Funds”) and
separate accounts for institutional investors. Greylock Capital may advise other clients in the
future, including pooled investment vehicles and separate accounts, and may provide both
discretionary and non-discretionary advisory services to clients.
Greylock Capital focuses primarily on distressed debt, event-driven and high-yield investment
strategies in the global fixed income markets. However, Greylock Capital is generally granted
broad investment authority with respect to the management of the accounts of its
clients and
invests across a broad range of financial instruments in the execution of its investment
strategies. Greylock Capital clients, including the Greylock Global Funds, may maintain
investment guidelines or restrictions from time to time, including guidelines or restrictions
regarding investment concentration in particular financial instruments, issuers, industries or
geographical regions.
Investors and prospective investors in each Greylock Global Fund should refer to the
confidential private placement memorandum, limited partnership agreement and other
governing documents for each Greylock Global Fund (the “Governing Documents”) for more
complete information on the investment objectives and investment restrictions with respect to
a particular Greylock Global Fund. There is no assurance that any of the Greylock Global
Funds’ investment objectives will be achieved.
As of December 31, 2023, Greylock Capital has approximately $247,915,682 million in
regulatory assets under management on a discretionary basis, and $3,302,804 million on a
non-discretionary basis.