Harvest Capital Strategies LLC began operation in September 1999. We are wholly-owned by JMP
Holding LLC, which is in turn wholly-owned by JMP Group Inc. The sole shareholder of JMP Group Inc.
is Citizens JMP Group, LLC (“Citizens JMP Group”). Citizens JMP Group was a publicly traded company
on the New York Stock Exchange until the fall of 2021 when it was acquired by, and became a wholly-
owned subsidiary of, Citizens Financial Group, Inc. (NYSE:CFG).
We provide discretionary investment advisory services to a number of private investment funds (the
“Funds”). The Funds sponsored by HCS (or its affiliates) include private pooled investment vehicles that
make secondary purchases of private company securities (collectively, the “Private Equity Funds”).
At present, our Funds are organized as limited partnerships for which we (or an affiliate) serve as the sole
general partner, or as limited liability companies for which we (or an affiliate) serve as the sole managing
For certain of the Funds, our affiliates serve as the general partners or managing members (the “Affiliated
GPs”). Harvest serves as the investment manager to these Funds and provides discretionary investment
management services to the Funds including investigating, structuring and negotiating potential
investments, monitoring the performance of investments, and advising the Funds as to exit strategies with
respect to its investments.
In addition to our discretionary investment advisory services, we separately provide research services
(“Research Services”) primarily in the form of published reports (“Research Reports”), to institutional
clients, which may include advisory clients of Harvest, including the Funds, other pooled investment
vehicles, investment advisers and family offices (“Research Clients”). The opinions, research and other
information contained in such Research Reports may include views regarding a specific industry, company,
macroeconomic data, market trends or a combination of the foregoing. Research Services do not involve
management of any client assets on a discretionary or non-discretionary basis. Moreover, the provision of
Research Services does not involve any trading, brokerage or related services through our affiliated broker-
dealer, Citizens JMP Securities, LLC (“Citizens JMP Securities”).
Affiliated GPs are related persons of Harvest and are either controlled by, or under common control with,
Harvest. Harvest, CJMPR, and the Affiliated GPs collectively conduct a single advisory business and
Harvest is filing a single Form ADV in accordance with the umbrella registration provisions of Form ADV
available to SEC-registered advisers to private funds and certain separately managed account clients that
operate a single advisory business through multiple legal entities. CJMPR and the Affiliated GPs (and their
employees and personnel, if any) will be subject to the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended (the
“Advisers Act”) and the rules thereunder, and to all of Harvest’s compliance policies and procedures. The
personnel of CJMPR and the Affiliated GPs will be deemed “persons associated with” Harvest (as that term
is defined in section 202(a)(17) of the Advisers Act) and will be subject
to SEC examination. Accordingly,
references to Harvest in this brochure should also be considered references to CJMPR and/or the Affiliated
GPs in the appropriate context.
Harvest relies on the umbrella registration provisions of Form ADV available to SEC-registered advisers
that operate a single advisory business through multiple legal entities and who advise only private funds
that are qualified clients. In this regard, CJMPR is a relying adviser to Harvest and Harvest files a single
Form ADV on behalf of itself (as “filing adviser”) and CJMPR (as a “relying adviser”) in accordance with
the umbrella registration requirements of Form ADV. Accordingly, Harvest includes on its Form ADV
(Parts 1 and 2) all information concerning Harvest and CJMPR (e.g., disciplinary information and
ownership information) and includes this same information in any other reports or filings Harvest makes
under the Advisers Act (e.g., Form PF). As such, Harvest has aggregated its responses to the items in this
brochure so that such information refers to, and includes all information concerning, Harvest as the “filing
adviser” and CJMPR and the Affiliated GPs as “relying advisers.” In addition, Harvest completes a
Schedule R of Form ADV for each relying adviser included in the umbrella registration.
We manage each Fund pursuant to the objectives specified in the materials by which the Fund offers its
ownership interests to investors. The Funds generally impose no limits on the types of securities or other
instruments in which the Funds may invest, the types of positions they may take, the concentration of their
investments by sector, industry, fund, country, class or otherwise, the amount of leverage they may employ
or the number or nature of short positions they may take. The Funds’ investors do not have the right to
specify, restrict, or influence their Funds’ investment objectives or any investment or trading decisions.
We do not provide particularized investment advice with regard to Research Clients. Research is provided
on the basis of specific sector or company requests from a client. Research Services are provided without
regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation, or particular needs of any specific recipient
and are published solely for informational purposes. Research Services are not to be construed as a
solicitation or an offer to buy or sell any securities or related financial instruments.
We do not participate in wrap fee programs.
Please refer to Item 8 of this brochure for additional information regarding our methods of analysis
and investment strategies, and their associated risks. The information provided above merely
summarizes the detailed information provided in the appropriate fund offering and organizational
documents. Prospective investors should be aware of additional risks and requirements associated
with any investment and should refer to the appropriate fund offering and organizational documents
for important additional information and considerations.
As of December 31, 2023, the regulatory assets under management with respect to our Funds was
approximately $365,859,659. We do not provide services on a non-discretionary basis.