ArrowMark Colorado Holdings, LLC is a Delaware limited liability company formed in 2007.
ArrowMark provides investment management services to high-net-worth individuals and
institutional clients including, trusts, estates, endowments, pensions, and foundations (which we
collectively refer to as “separate accounts”); collateralized loan obligations (which we refer to as
“CLOs”); privately offered limited partnerships and corporate investment vehicles (which we refer
to as “funds”); and registered investment companies (which we refer to as “mutual funds”). As of
December 31, 2023, we managed $21,568,739,948 of regulatory assets on a discretionary basis.
We use fundamental research and an opportunistic investment philosophy when investing. We may
invest in a broad array of financial instruments including, but not limited to, fixed income, equity,
distressed debt, options, defaulted instruments, mortgage-backed, asset-backed, collateralized debt
obligations, direct lending, futures, swaps, significant risk transfers, repurchase agreements, bank
loans, tax liens, and initial public offerings. On behalf of our clients, we may engage in hedging,
forward trading and short selling. We also may employ leverage.
We have a long-term investment
ArrowMark works with each separate account client to understand its investment objectives and to
establish the elements of our relationship as their investment adviser. This process culminates with
the negotiation and preparation of an investment management agreement that outlines the terms of
the client-adviser relationship including, but not limited to, investment strategy, investment
limitations and fees.
When managing CLOs, funds and mutual funds, we manage each client within the guidelines and
restrictions set forth in each client’s legal documents and within any respective regulatory guidelines
or limitations. Investment advice is provided directly to the CLOs, funds and mutual funds, and not
individually to the investors or shareholders.
We also serve as sub-adviser to U.S. mutual funds. In such cases, we enter into a sub-advisory
agreement with the investment adviser which typically includes information related to sub-advisory
fee, investment strategy, investment guidelines, termination rights and proxy voting.
Our partners are Brian Schaub, Chad Meade, David Corkins, Kaelyn Abrell, Karen Reidy, Sanjai
Bhonsle, Kirk Reid, and Robin Beery.