Advisory Business
TPB Wealth Advisors, LLC (“TPB WEALTH ADVISORS” or “TPB Wealth”) (formerly Aspireon Wealth Advisors LLC) is a registered
investment adviser with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission which began operations in 2009.
TPB Wealth Advisors is a wholly owned subsidiary of Texas Partners Bank, LLC, which is a subsidiary of Southwest Bancshares,
Inc. Southwest Bancshares, Inc. is a bank holding company. Texas Partners Bank, LLC does business as a bank under the
following business names: (1) The Bank of San Antonio; (2) The Bank of Austin; and (3) Texas Hill Country Bank. Texas Partners
Bank also wholly owns The Bank of San Antonio Insurance Group, along with TPB Wealth Advisors. These are our related
Further, TPB Wealth Advisors wholly owns two entities, which are discussed further throughout this brochure. TPB
Opportunities Fund GP, Inc., is a Texas-based corporation, which serves as the General Partner to a series of private funds, TPB
Opportunities Fund (formally named the Aspireon Opportunities Fund), and used by clients of TPB Wealth Advisors. TPB
Investment Management, LLC., is a Delaware-based limited liability company, which acts as investment manager for day-to-
day investment oversight of the TPB Opportunities Fund, LP series. Additionally, TPB Investment Management, LLC. operates
as a relying advisor under TPB Wealth Advisors.
TPB Wealth Advisors is a discretionary wealth management firm that provides comprehensive solutions, including financial
planning and investment management. TPB Wealth Advisors seeks to serve the distinct needs of high-achieving clients who
are committed to optimizing their financial resources as a means to fund their life’s purpose. Beyond driving investment
results and managing risk on behalf of clients, TPB Wealth Advisors are committed to transparency and collaboration within a
solutions-oriented framework that allows for custom access points, while engaging with clients on their terms.
Financial Planning and Investment Advisory Services
As part of its comprehensive services, TPB Wealth Advisors provides its clients with three primary solutions: (1) integrated
financial planning, (2) investment advisory services, and (3) access to private pooled investment solutions. Services are offered
based on a client’s financial situation and information shared by the client, depending on their goals and objectives. TPB
Wealth Advisors may also refer clients to an accountant, attorney or other specialist, as appropriate for their unique situation.
Financial Planning Solutions
TPB Wealth seeks to provide each client with a summary of their financial situation, the advisors observations and
recommendations, along with a plan of implementation supported by an investment program. While not every client will
require or have similar financial planning needs, when possible TPB Wealth will seek to provide clients with the following:
▪ Development of comprehensive financial statements, including cash flow analysis and personal budgeting.
▪ Development of an income needs analysis showing the assets required to achieve the identified goals along with
the probability of achieving those goals.
▪ Guidance and advice focused around retirement planning, education planning, estate planning, tax planning,
legacy and philanthropic planning, etc. TPB Wealth Advisors does not provide legal or tax advice.
▪ Life, disability and other risk management insurance analysis and review.
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▪ Business investment analysis, capital needs analysis and succession planning.
Managed Investment Management Account(s)
TPB Wealth Advisors looks to integrate the financial planning solutions with an investment program designed for each client,
to address his/her financial goals, objectives and risk tolerance. As wealth advisors, we endeavor to consider the client’s
complete financial outlook when making investment recommendations and planning for his/her short- and long-term goals.
Therefore, we may structure our investment advice in view of any outside investments held by the client, taking into account
each investment’s effect on the client’s risk budget and overall portfolio.
A client engages TPB Wealth Advisors to provide investment advisory services on a fee basis determined by assets under
management. TPB Wealth Advisors deliver its investment advisory services in a discretionary manner upon being engaged by
the client. The client may impose reasonable restrictions on TPB Wealth with regards to implementation of the investment
advisory services. Additionally, in limited instances, TPB Wealth Advisors may be engaged on a non-discretionary basis, at
which point, TPB Wealth Advisors will provide reporting and assistance in any transactions at the direction of the client only,
but will not monitor, review, recommend or advise the client or the clients investments.
TPB Wealth Advisors has found that clients often have three broad goals: income generation and/or support; ongoing wealth
accumulation; and opportunistic investments. These goals will vary for each client based upon their unique needs. Due to
each goal being focused on a different purpose, they also present different risk to a client’s investment program. A client’s
unique goals are used to determine the overall investment program and ensuing investment allocations in conjunction with
the findings of the financial planning services.
At the center of our investment program is a global, multi-asset class investment program which offers diversification using a
number of investment processes. TPB Wealth Advisors feels that diversification achieved through using a number of distinct
processes is stronger than diversification seeking different asset classes only. The investments in a client’s multi-asset class
portfolio may include a wide spectrum of stocks, bonds, exchange traded funds (“ETF’s”), mutual funds, options, separately
managed accounts (“SMA’s”), limited partnerships, such as hedge funds or private real estate, and independent managers
representing a diverse number of distinct strategies.
TPB Wealth Advisors will monitor the clients account(s) on an ongoing basis, make changes to the portfolios allocations as
necessary, and communicate regularly throughout the year with its clients. All clients (in person or via telephone) are
encouraged to review financial issues, investment objectives and account performance with TPB Wealth Advisors on an annual
basis, if not more frequently. Clients are provided, at least quarterly, with written transaction confirmation notices and regular
written summary account statements directly from the administrator/custodian and/or program sponsor for the client
TPB Wealth Advisors Private Pooled Funds
The TPB Opportunities Funds private Pooled Funds (“TPBOF Pooled Funds” or “Pooled Funds”) are unregistered funds of funds
for which the firm or one of its subsidiaries serves as the general partner or managing member. The TPB Opportunities Fund
LP is a Delaware-based multi-series limited partnership for which there are currently three underlying series: the TPB
Opportunities Fund LP- Series 1 Open End Strategies (“TPBOE1”), the TPB Opportunities Fund LP- Series 2 Closed End Strategies
(“TBPCE2”), and the TPB Opportunities Fund LP- Series 3 Open End Strategies II (“TPBOE3”).
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TPBOF Pooled Funds generally aggregate client capital for investment primarily in private funds managed by underlying
managers or in direct (special purpose vehicles) private investments with underlying operators. The TPB Opportunities Fund
seeks to offer clients access to investments focused on real asset-based strategies, namely across real estate and infrastructure
related asset classes, while investing across debt and equity securities. The fund seeks to provide durable income buy owning
long-lived assets, coupled with growth via the capital appreciation in its investments
Additionally, TPB Wealth Advisors is the general partner and manager for SACM Biotech Ventures, LLC (“SACMBIO”), which
was formed for the specific purpose of acquiring limited partnership interests in InCube Ventures II, L.P., a Delaware limited
partnership. The manager (TPB Wealth Advisors), its principals and affiliates and family members reserve the right to purchase
ownership interests in this entity. Less than 5% of TPB Wealth Advisors clients are invested in this Fund, which is not available
to new investments.
TPB Wealth Advisors, on a non-discretionary basis, may recommend that qualified clients consider allocating a portion of their
investment assets to the Pooled Funds. TPB Wealth Advisors clients are under no obligation to consider or invest in any of the
Pooled Fund, and not participating will not change the fees charged under the client’s investment management agreement.
Upon the client agreeing to and subscribing in any of the Pooled Funds, TPB Wealth Advisors will on a go-forward basis exercise
its discretionary authority when rebalancing the client’s investment accounts, and potentially increasing/decreasing the
amounts invested to the Pooled Funds. The terms and conditions for participation in the Pooled Funds, including management
fees, conflicts of interest, and risk factors, are set forth in each Pooled Fund’s offering documents.
While TPBOF Pooled Funds generally charge a management fee of up to 1.50% of the limited partner’s capital commitment,
capital contribution, or another measure of assets in the funds as applicable, the investment manager in order to avoid conflict
of interest has established a no-management fee category. This category is reserved for any TPB Wealth Advisors advisory
client, whereas the investment manager has agreed to waive the management fees related to the advisory client’s investment
in the Pooled Funds. The Pooled Funds-related fees are described in detail in the offering materials of each Pooled Funds. Non-
clients (external clients) who invest in TPBOF Pooled Funds pay the Pooled Funds’ management fees since they are not eligible
for inclusion in a Pooled Funds no-management fee category or for a fee waiver. Should an investor in the Pooled Funds cease
to be an TPB Wealth Advisors advisory client, then applicable management fees will be assessed.
Since advisory clients and TPBOF Pooled Funds invest with underlying managers (i.e., in underlying funds, separate
accounts/vehicles, and certain mutual funds/ETF’s), investors in the TPBOF Pooled Funds and advisory clients are also subject
to the underlying managers’ management fees, incentive allocation, and other expenses, if any. The underlying managers
generally charge a management fee of up to 2.0% of the limited partner’s capital commitment, capital contribution, or another
measure of assets in the funds as applicable. In addition, the underlying managers generally receive an incentive allocation of
up to 40% of an underlying fund’s or separate account’s returns. From time to time, TPB Wealth negotiates fee discounts or
other rights for its clients with underlying managers which may be based on aggregate investments by firm clients.
Both advisory clients and external investors in TPBOF Pooled Funds pay their proportionate share of the TPBOF Pooled Funds’
and, indirectly, the underlying funds’ expenses. Expenses borne by the TPBOF Pooled Funds and underlying funds include, but
are not limited
to, costs and charges incurred, directly and indirectly, in connection with the formation, management,
operation, maintenance and liquidation of the funds, which may include, among other fees and expenses, the following: legal
expenses; accounting, tax, consulting and audit expenses; custodian and administration expenses; reasonable travel and other
out of pocket expenses; costs associated with bookkeeping and reporting to investors; potentially compliance expenses of the
fund, general partner and management company, as applicable; taxes, fees or other governmental charges; the cost of liability
and other insurance premiums; litigation and indemnification costs and expenses; and other expenses not listed. Such
expenses also include, but are not limited to, costs incurred in connection with the identification and investigation of potential
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investments (whether or not consummated) and the structuring, making, holding, tracking and disposing of investments,
including professional fees, and, if applicable, commissions and other brokerage charges. Details regarding expenses can be
found in the governing documents of the applicable TPBOF Pooled Fund.
Consulting Services
To the extent requested by a client, TPB Wealth Advisors may determine to provide financial planning (including any of the
services above or others) on a stand-alone separate fee basis. Prior to engaging TPB Wealth Advisors to provide financial
planning or other consulting services on a stand-alone basis, clients are generally required to enter into a Financial Planning
and Consulting Agreement with TPB Wealth Advisors setting forth the terms and conditions of the engagement (including
termination), describing the scope of the services to be provided, and the portion of the fee that is due from the client prior
to TPB Wealth Advisors commencing services.
TPB Wealth Advisors offers consulting services including the review and evaluation of outside investments (e.g., self-directed
401K accounts offered by an employer), and non-investment related matters.
Independent Managers
TPB Wealth Advisors sources, evaluates and conducts due diligence on potential and existing underlying fund managers, tracks
the performance of a range of sectors, strategies and markets, and identifies established underlying managers that we believe
have a sound strategy, stable organization, and strong historical return characteristics as well as promising emerging firms.
TPB Wealth Advisors may allocate a portion of a client’s investment assets among unaffiliated independent investment
managers in accordance with the client’s designated investment objective(s). In such situations, the Independent Manager[s]
shall have day-to-day responsibility for the active discretionary management of the allocated assets. TPB Wealth Advisors shall
continue to render investment advisory services to the client relative to the ongoing monitoring and review of account
performance, asset allocation and client investment objectives.
In conjunction with the services provided by ByAllAccounts, Inc., TPB Wealth Advisors may also provide periodic
comprehensive reporting services, which can incorporate all of the client’s investment assets including those investment
assets that are not part of the assets managed by TPB Wealth Advisors (the “Held-Away Assets”). TPB Wealth Advisors service
relative to these Assets is limited to reporting services only, which does not include investment implementation. Because TPB
Wealth Advisors does not have trading authority for the Held-Away Assets, to the extent applicable to the nature of the Held-
Away Assets (assets over which the client maintains trading authority vs. trading authority designated to another investment
professional), the client (and/or the other investment professional), and not TPB Wealth Advisors, shall be exclusively
responsible for directly implementing any recommendations relative to the Held-Away Assets. Rather, the client and/or
his/her/its other advisors that maintain trading authority, and not TPB Wealth Advisors, shall be exclusively responsible for
the investment performance of the Excluded Assets. Without limiting the above, TPB Wealth Advisors shall not be responsible
for any implementation error (timing, trading, etc.) relative to the Held-Away Assets. In the event the client desires that TPB
Wealth Advisors provide investment management services (whereby TPB Wealth Advisors would have trading authority) with
respect to the Held-Away Assets, the client may engage TPB Wealth Advisors to do so pursuant to the terms and conditions
of the Investment Management Agreement between TPB Wealth Advisors and the client.
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Envestnet-Tamarac Client Portal
TPB Wealth Advisors may provide its clients with access to an online platform hosted by Envestnet-Tamarac, Inc. The Tamarac
platform allows a client to view his/ her/its complete asset allocation, including Held-Away Assets. TPB Wealth Advisors does
not provide investment management, monitoring, or implementation services for the Held-Away Assets. Therefore, TPB
Wealth Advisors shall not be responsible for the investment performance of the Held-Away Assets. Rather, the client and/or
his/her/its advisor(s) that maintain management authority for the Held-Away Assets, and not TPB Wealth Advisors, shall be
exclusively responsible for such investment performance. The client may choose to engage TPB Wealth Advisors to manage
some or all of the Held-Away Assets pursuant to the terms and conditions of an Investment Management Agreement between
TPB Wealth Advisors and the client.
Money Guide Pro Client Portal
TPB Wealth Advisors may provide its clients with access to an online platform hosted by “Money Guide Pro” (MGP). The
MGP platform allows a client to view his/her/its complete asset allocation, including Held-Away Assets. TPB Wealth
Advisors does not provide investment management, monitoring, or implementation services for Held-Away Assets.
Therefore, TPB Wealth Advisors shall not be responsible for the investment performance of the Held-Away Assets. Rather,
the client and /or his/her/its advisor(s) that maintain management authority for the Held-Away Assets, and not TPB
Wealth Advisors, shall be exclusively responsible for such investment performance. The client may choose to engage TPB
Wealth Advisors to manage some or all of the Held-Away Assets pursuant to the terms and conditions of an Investment
Management Agreement between TPB Wealth Advisors and the client. The MGP Platform also provides access to other
types of information, including financial planning concepts, which should not, in any manner whatsoever, be construed as
services, advice, or recommendations provided by TPB Wealth Advisors. Finally, TPB Wealth Advisors shall not be held
responsible for any adverse results a client may experience if the client engages in financial planning or other functions
available on the MGP platform without TPB Wealth Advisors’ assistance or oversight.
Non-Discretionary and Reporting Only Accounts
For the convenience of certain clients, TPB Wealth Advisors may offer either non-discretionary investment accounts or
accounts for which TPB Wealth Advisors provides limited reporting services only. TPB Wealth Advisors does not provide
investment management or monitoring services for the non-discretionary accounts. TPB Wealth Advisors does not provide
investment management, monitoring, or implementation for reporting only assets. Therefore, TPB Wealth Advisors shall not
be responsible for the investment performance of the assets. Rather, the client and/or his/her/its advisor(s) that maintain
management authority for the assets, and not TPB Wealth Advisors, shall be exclusively responsible for such investment
Cash Positions
At any specific point in time, depending upon perceived or anticipated market conditions/events (there being no guarantee
that such anticipated market conditions/events will occur), TPB Wealth Advisors may maintain cash positions for defensive or
other purposes. All cash positions (money markets, etc.) shall be included as part of assets under management for purposes
of calculating TPB Wealth Advisors advisory fee. These cash positions may cause the clients investment goals to not be fulfilled.
Retirement Plan Rollovers-No Obligation/Conflict of Interest
A client leaving an employer typically has four options regarding an existing retirement plan (and may engage in a combination
of these options): (i) leave the money in his/her former employer’s plan, if permitted, (ii) roll over the assets to his/her new
employer’s plan, if one is available and rollovers are permitted, (iii) roll over to an Individual Retirement Account (“IRA”), or
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(iv) cash out the account value (which could, depending upon the client’s age, result in adverse tax consequences). TPB Wealth
Advisors may recommend an investor roll over plan assets to an IRA managed by TPB Wealth Advisors. As a result, TPB Wealth
Advisors and its representatives may earn an asset-based fee. In contrast, a recommendation that a client or prospective client
leave his/her plan assets with his/her former employer or roll the assets to a plan sponsored by a new employer will generally
result in no compensation to TPB Wealth Advisors (unless the client engages TPB Wealth Advisors to monitor and/or manage
the account while maintained at the client’s employer). TPB Wealth Advisors has an economic incentive to encourage a client
to roll plan assets into an IRA that TPB Wealth Advisors will manage or to engage TPB Wealth Advisors to monitor and/or
manage the account while maintained at the client’s employer. There are various factors that TPB Wealth Advisors may
consider before recommending a rollover, including but not limited to: (i) the investment options available in the plan versus
the investment options available in an IRA, (ii) fees and expenses in the plan versus the fees and expenses in an IRA, (iii) the
services and responsiveness of the plan’s investment professionals versus TPB Wealth Advisors, (iv) protection of assets from
creditors and legal judgments, (v) required minimum distributions and age considerations, and (vi) employer stock tax
consequences, if any. No client is under any obligation to roll over plan assets to an IRA managed by TPB Wealth Advisors or
to engage TPB Wealth Advisors to monitor and/or manage the account while maintained at the client’s employer.
Client Obligations
In performing its services, TPB Wealth Advisors shall not be required to verify any information received from the client or from
the client’s other professionals, and is expressly authorized to rely thereon. Moreover, each client is advised that it remains
his/her/its responsibility to promptly notify TPB Wealth Advisors if there is ever any change in his/her/its financial situation or
investment objectives for the purpose of reviewing/evaluating/revising TPB Wealth Advisors previous recommendations
and/or services.
Clients Assets Under Management
As of December 31, 2022, TPB Wealth Advisors had $844,792,764 in assets under management, of which $ 815,530,186 were
discretionary assets under management, and $29,262,578 were non-discretionary assets under management.