A. Description of the Advisory Firm
This firm has been in business since January 1, 2009, and the principal owner is Charles
B. Krusen.
B. Types of Advisory Services
Krusen Capital Management LLC (hereinafter “KCM”) offers the following services to
advisory clients:
Investment Supervisory Services
KCM provides investment advisory services to:
1. Pooled investment vehicles for qualified investors; the “Fund(s)”
2. Clients who invest in pooled investment vehicles; the “Advisory Client(s)”
For Funds, KCM serves as an investment manager for LionHedge Platform Fund, LP
and its offshore feeder, LionHedge Platform Fund Ltd. KCM has discretionary authority
as specified by investment advisory contracts. These Funds invest in third party hedge
For Advisory Clients, KCM offers non-discretionary advisory, monitoring and reporting
services to clients who invest in third party hedge funds and draw down funds. Draw
Down funds include private equity funds, real estate funds, credit funds, venture capital
funds and real asset funds (“Draw Down Funds”).
Selection of Other Advisors
KCM may direct clients to third party managers. This relationship will be disclosed in
each contract between KCM and the client. Before
selecting other advisors for clients,
KCM will always ensure those other advisors are properly licensed or registered as
investment advisors if required.
Services Limited to Specific Types of Investments
KCM recommends hedge funds and Draw Down funds. KCM may use other securities
when applicable.
C. Client Tailored Services and Client Imposed Restrictions
KCM offers the same suite of advisory services to all of its clients. However, each client
has specific portfolios and their implementation is dependent upon their unique
circumstances (income, tax bracket, investment goals, and risk tolerance levels)
Clients may impose restrictions in investing in certain securities or types of securities in
accordance with their values or beliefs. However, if the restrictions prevent KCM from
properly servicing the client account, or if the restrictions would require KCM to deviate
from its standard suite of services, KCM reserves the right to end the relationship.
D. Wrap Fee Programs
KCM does not participate in any wrap fee programs.
E. Amounts Under Management
KCM has the following assets under management:
Discretionary Amounts: Non-discretionary Amounts: Date Calculated:
$ 54,375,707 $ 159,226,066 December 2023