Appomatox Advisory, Inc. (“Appomatox” or the “Firm”) was founded in 2005 by Susan Webb to
address a void in the market for client driven, mul�-strategy por�olios with clear objec�ves for
managing risk and return and providing conflict-free management and advice. Appomatox is an
independent, woman and minority-owned, SEC registered investment advisor offering customized
investment management services to meet both the performance and risk objec�ves of our clients –
endowments, founda�ons, families, pension funds, and family offices. The Firm is 100% owned by
Susan Webb.
Type of Services Offered:
The Firm is the investment advisor or sub-advisor to the following funds (together, “the Funds”):
Archway Apprecia�on Fund Limited (“AAF”), Archway Linse Cap F1, L.P., BH Feeder, Inc., BHM Archway
Feeder, L.P., Hatchlings Fund Ltd., MCP Linse Capital Fund I, Mon�cello Capital Partners Limited –
Segregated Account MCP – Tiger PIP XI, and Mon�cello Capital Partners Limited – Segregated Account
MCP – Tiger PIP XV.
The Firm also serves as an Outsourced Chief Investment Officer managing global mul�-asset por�olios
(“OCIO Client” and together with the Funds, the “Client”); and as a manager of Specialized Mandates
(private equity,
credit por�olio, sustainable/ESG inves�ng). Appomatox may also perform various
other services upon request such as reviewing specific investment opportuni�es or providing our views
on the market. For example, Appomatox Investment Commitee Members may serve as advisory
commitee members of client invested funds.
Tailoring of Services:
Appomatox, where appropriate, will work with our OCIO Clients to tailor its investment management
services to serve those clients’ needs. Factors that Appomatox will consider when tailoring
investment management services include, but are not limited to the:
• Risk/return appetite of the client,
• Size and diversification of existing assets,
• Liquidity constraints imposed by the client or other investments held by the client,
• Cash requirements.
Discre�onary and Non-Discre�onary Assets:
In general, when Appomatox provides investment management services on customized por�olios
that are non-discre�onary, OCIO Clients may impose restric�ons on certain investments. The
breakdown of Firm assets under management (“AUM”) that are discre�onary and non-discre�onary
are as follows (as of 12/31/2023):
1. Discretionary - $ 146,941,105
2. Non-Discretionary - $ 606,919,448