W Capital Management, LLC, (d/b/a W Capital Partners) (“W Capital”) is a Delaware limited
liability company which has been in business since 2001. The principal owners of W Capital is
AXA IM US Group Holding Inc.
W Capital and/or its affiliates provide financial, investment and portfolio analysis services as
required for the benefit of its “secondary direct” private equity funds (the “W Capital Funds”).
W Capital’s primary investment focus is to invest in direct private equity portfolios by acquiring
them in the secondary market and directly managing the portfolio investments.
W Capital tailors its advisory services to the specific investment objectives and restrictions of
each W Capital Fund pursuant to the investment guidelines and restrictions set forth in each W
Capital Fund’s confidential private placement memorandum, limited partnership agreement
and other governing documents (collectively, the “Governing Documents”). Investors and
prospective investors of each W Capital Fund should refer to the Governing Documents of the
applicable W Capital Fund for complete information on the investment objectives and
investment restrictions with respect to such W Capital Fund. There is no assurance that any of
the W Capital Funds’ investment objectives will be achieved. W Capital does not provide
individualized advice to investors, and investors must consider for themselves whether an
investment in a particular Fund meets their investment objectives and risk tolerance prior to
a related person of W Capital acts as the general partner of each W Capital Fund, and
W Capital serves as investment adviser to each W Capital Fund. References to W Capital in this
Brochure include, as the context requires, such related persons.
In accordance with common industry practice, one or more of the W Capital Funds’ general
partners may enter into “side letters” or similar agreements with certain investors pursuant to
which the general partner grants the investor specific rights, benefits, or privileges that are not
made available to investors generally, including co-investment opportunities. Industry-standard
Most Favored Nation (“MFN”) elections are made available as well.
W Capital or its related persons may also establish certain W Capital Funds (“Feeder Funds” or
“Parallel Funds”) to address certain tax or regulatory requirements. In addition, W Capital may
form other alternative investment vehicles or special purpose vehicles (collectively, “AIVs”) for
the purpose of facilitating certain investments by one or more W Capital Funds and/or investors
in order to comply with securities laws or to address tax, legal or regulatory issues. Please refer
to Item 7, “Types of Clients” for more information.
As of December 31, 2023, W Capital’s total regulatory assets under management was
$1,924,218,636. W Capital manages all assets of the W Capital Funds on a discretionary basis in
accordance with the terms and conditions of each W Capital Fund’s Governing Documents.