Morgenthaler Management Corporation (“MMC” or “the firm”) is an Ohio corporation that was established in 1981.
MMC is owned by the following individual investment professionals of the firm: Robert C. Bellas, Ralph E.
Christoffersen, Gary R. Little, John D. Lutsi, Rebecca A. Lynn, Gary J. Morgenthaler, Robert D. Pavey, Henry A.
Plain and Peter G. Taft. MMC’s principal place of business is in Portola Valley, California. MMC and its advisory
affiliates provide investment advisory and management services to private investment funds that are U.S. limited
partnerships (“Client Funds”). For purposes of this brochure, the term “Morgenthaler” will include MMC,
Morgenthaler Advisors IX, LLC, and the General Partners collectively.
All descriptions pertaining to the Client Funds outlined in this brochure, including their investments, management
strategies, associated fees, and potential conflicts of interest faced by Morgenthaler, are entirely contingent upon the
respective confidential offering memorandum and governing documents (referred to collectively as the "Fund
Documents") of each Client Fund. It should be noted that there are currently no funds open for investment, nor are
there any considerations to open such funds. Therefore, nothing contained herein should be construed as an offer of
any of the Client Funds discussed, as any such offerings will solely occur upon the provision of a confidential offering
memorandum to prospective investors.
Morgenthaler generally offers advice on portfolio investments that are within each Client Fund’s investment strategy
objective. The multi-disciplinary advice provided by Morgenthaler generally focuses on the following investment
areas: venture capital (information technology and life sciences) and/or private equity. The venture capital focus
involves investments in early-stage businesses in both the information technology and life sciences markets. The
private equity focus involves management buyouts, leverage recapitalizations, and industry build-ups in middle
market companies that focus in communications, health care or industrial productivity markets. Please refer to Item 8
for a more detailed description of the Client Funds' investment strategies as well as the securities, and other
instruments, purchased by Client Funds under the management of Morgenthaler.
Morgenthaler has full discretionary authority with respect to the investment decisions of the Client Funds; however,
its investment decisions and advice are subject to each Client Fund’s investment objective and guidelines, as set forth
in each Client Fund’s respective Fund Documents.
Morgenthaler has the right to enter and has entered into agreements, such as side letters, with certain underlying
investors of the Client Funds which may impose further restrictions for legal, tax, regulatory or other reasons with
respect to participation by such underlying investors in certain investments made by the Client Funds. See Item 10 for
additional information.
Morgenthaler does not participate in wrap fee programs.
As of December 31, 2023, Morgenthaler managed $106,742,707 on a discretionary basis. Morgenthaler does not
manage assets on a non‐discretionary basis.