A. Savanna Investment Management LLC (along with its affiliates, “Savanna” or the “Firm”),
a Delaware limited liability company, is an investment adviser located in New York, New
York, formed in 2003, and is principally owned and controlled by Nicholas Bienstock and
Christopher Schlank. Savanna serves as an investment adviser to pooled investment vehicles
including co-investment vehicles (the “Funds”) and proprietary investment vehicles
(“Proprietary Entities”) collectively referred to as “Clients”. The Funds are exempt from
registration under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “Investment
Company Act”), pursuant to one or more of Section 3(c)(1), 3(c)(5), 3(c)(6) and/or 3(c)(7)
of the Investment Company Act. Interests in the Funds are privately offered only to qualified
investors and these interests are offered under the private placement exemptions provided by
Section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933, Regulation D and/or Regulation S promulgated
thereunder. Pursuant to umbrella registration, this Brochure describes the advisory services
provided by Savanna as “filing adviser” as well as SIM II, LLC, SIM Fund III, LLC, Savanna
Mezzanine Capital, LLC, SIM Mezz Ventures, LLC, Savanna Project Management, LLC,
SavCon, LLC, SavProp, LLC, Savanna South, LLC, SIM Services, LLC and Savanna Myers
CF Manager, LLC as “relying advisers”. Additionally, this Brochure describes the advisory
services provided by the private fund vehicles’ general partners (as listed below), which
operate as a single advisory business with Savanna.
From its inception in November 2003 through December 2006, Savanna provided advisory
services exclusively to limited liability companies formed for the purposes of “one-off” real
estate acquisitions, and owned primarily by Savanna’s affiliated persons, friends & family,
and, in some instances, joint ventures between such persons and other real estate firms (the
“Legacy Entities”). Due to the nature and ownership structure of these vehicles, the Legacy
Entities pay minimal fees to the Firm.
The Funds are pooled investment vehicles comprised of capital from various institutional
and high net worth investors. Except as set forth below, Savanna’s business currently, and
for the foreseeable future, is focused primarily on the Funds. However, Savanna continues
to provide management services to the Legacy Entities due to the nature of the assets
Savanna invests in (as described more fully below), which are extremely illiquid and often
require multiple-year holding periods before they can realize gains. In addition, Savanna
also manages five real estate technology investment vehicles (together with the Legacy
Entities, the “Proprietary Entities”).
Since the existing Legacy Entities will not be acquiring new investments or accepting new
investors and are a prior business model of Savanna’s that is currently winding down,
and since the remaining Proprietary Entities constitute only a small portion of the Firm’s
investment activities, the remainder of this Brochure will primarily focus on the Funds, and
the advisory services Savanna provides to the Funds. Additionally, from time to time and as
permitted by the relevant Operative
Documents (as defined below), Savanna has the ability
to provide co-investment opportunities to investors. Co-investment vehicles formed for this
purpose make investments alongside the respective Fund on the same investment terms as
the Fund and on the economic terms set forth in the Fund’s Partnership Agreement.
B. Savanna provides discretionary investment advisory services to the Funds. The Funds invest
primarily in real estate equity and real estate debt assets, as more particularly described in
each Fund’s Operative Documents, as defined below. The Firm has historically focused on
properties located in the major markets and “central business districts” in the Northeast and
Mid-Atlantic Corridor of the United States, including New York City and the tri-state
metropolitan region; currently, the Firm focuses on properties located in New York City. The
Firm pursues opportunities to invest in transitional and undervalued assets that have the
potential to be successfully redeveloped, repositioned and re-tenanted.
Savanna is affiliated with entities that serve as the general partners to each of the Funds
(each, a “General Partner” and, collectively, the “General Partners”) and each of the
Funds is controlled by its respective General Partner. The following is a list of each of the
Fund’s General Partners, each of which is an affiliated investment adviser of Savanna:
Fund General Partners:
• Savanna IIA GP, LLC
• Savanna III GP, LLC
• Savanna III William GP, LLC
• Savanna III 47th Avenue GP, LLC
• Savanna IV GP, LLC
• Savanna IV 44th Street GP, LLC
• Savanna IV Bryant Park GP, LLC
• Savanna IV 521 Fifth Avenue GP, LLC
• Savanna V GP, LLC
• 141 Willoughby GP, LLC
Additionally, Savanna is affiliated with Savanna Cortex GP, LLC, Savanna Cortex II GP,
LLC, Savanna Cortex III GP, LLC and Savanna Cortex IV GP, LLC which serve as the
general partners to three of the Proprietary Entities.
C. Savanna manages the Funds in accordance with the investment objectives and limitations
set forth in each Fund’s offering memoranda, governing documents, including subscription
agreements and side letters, and the investment management agreement between Savanna
and each Fund (“Operative Documents”). Savanna utilizes a similar strategy for all its
Funds; however, some Funds may differ in their particular investing approaches and/or
investment limitations, as specified in each Fund’s Operative Documents.
Savanna has, and may in the future, enter into agreements, commonly known as “side
letters,” with certain investors under which Savanna waives or modifies the application of
certain investment terms applicable to such investors, without obtaining the consent of any
other investor in the Fund (other than an investor whose rights would be materially and
adversely affected by the waiver or modification). Generally, when Savanna does enter into
side letters, the provisions are designed to address an investor’s legal, tax, investment, or
other limitations/objections.
D. Savanna does not participate in wrap fee programs.
E. As of December 31, 2023, Savanna managed $540,542,706 in assets on a discretionary basis.