A. Description of the Advisory Firm. Black Creek is a company originally
incorporated under the laws of Canada in 2004, amalgamated with its parent company in 2008,
reorganized in 2014, and controlled by common stockholders: Kakabeka Holdings Inc., which
owns approximately 25.4% of the voting common stock of Black Creek; Sattel Investments
Limited, which owns approximately 34.5% of the voting common stock of Black Creek; and other
shareholders, who collectively own approximately 40.1% of the voting common stock of Black
Kakabeka Holdings Inc. is controlled by the Kanko Family Trust, which owns 100% of the
company’s voting common stock. Sattel Investments Limited is controlled by the Jenkins Family
Trust (2008), which owns 100% of the company’s voting common stock. Richard Jenkins, a
beneficial owner of the Jenkins Family Trust (2008), also owns 100% of the voting common stock
of Culzean International Inc., which owns approximately 6% of the voting common stock of Black
B. Types of Advisory Services. We provide investment management services, on a
fully discretionary basis, to our clients. Our goal is to provide capital growth over the long-term
investment in common equities.
Our investment strategy is described in more detail below in Item 8.
We specialize in the management of global equities. We currently manage segregated
global equity portfolios for institutional accounts and privately offered investment vehicles in the
U.S., and we act as sub-adviser to other registered investment advisers and to retail mutual funds
offered in Canada. We offer both global and international (EAFE) management capabilities.
C. Client Services and Client Imposed Restrictions. At the commencement of the
relationship, we and our client agree upon the investment objectives and appropriate levels of risk
and restrictions on investments, as set forth in each client’s investment management agreement
(“IMA”). Under each IMA, we assume discretionary responsibility for the day-to-day
management and investment of all securities, cash and other investment instruments agreed upon
with the client.
D. Wrap Fee Program. We do not participate in any Wrap Fee programs.
E. Amounts Under Management. As of March 29, 2024, we manage approximately
the following assets.
Discretionary Assets $10,196,726,828
Non-Discretionary Assets $63,132,567
Total $10,259,859,395