Sustainable Insight Capital Management, LLC (“SICM” or “we”) provides investment advisory
services for equity portfolios to domestic and international clients on a discretionary basis. We
offer customized separately managed accounts with various strategies that may include US
securities and/or Global securities in developed and developing markets. We also offer private
funds in which institutions and qualified and accredited investors may invest.Our strategies may
incorporate ESG factors and/or include sector or industry exclusions.
We also provide investment advice and/or trade recommendations in the form of model
investment portfolios to certain accounts of clients for which we have no responsibilities relating
to trade execution and no contact with the underlying client. Model investment portfolios are
considered to be non-discretionary assets under advisement and will not be included in our
Assets Under Management in this Brochure.
In the case of
pooled investment funds, investors will not generally be able to modify the
investment strategy of the funds. Clients with separately managed accounts may request that
we manage their accounts with various restrictions, including security specific restrictions, risk
restrictions, geographic restrictions, liquidity restrictions, and ESG constraints, as well as other
limitations which may be agreed upon with the client. We will generally accept such restrictions
and incorporate them in the client’s investment management agreement or subadvisory
agreement. We do not participate in any wrap fee programs.
We have been in business since 2013. Our principal owner is SICM Management, LLC and its
majority owner, Kevin Parker, is our Managing Partner.
As o f F e b r u a r y 2 9 , 2 0 2 4 , we managed approximately $173,590,360 of assets under
management on a discretionary basis. In addition, we advised approximately $3,912,000 of
portfolios on a non-discretionary basis.