Catholic Investment Services, Inc. (“CIS”) was formed in December 2013, and became an
investment adviser registered with the SEC effective April 2015. CIS is based in Boston,
Massachusetts and is organized as a corporation under Delaware law. CIS operates under section
501(c)(3) of the Internal Review Code as a charitable non-stock corporation and is managed by
trustees. As a non-stock corporation, CIS has no equity owners. CIS does not seek to earn a profit,
but recognizes that some retained earnings should be maintained to ensure the ongoing viability
of the organization. Fees that CIS earns are used generally to pay expenses and build adequate
working capital.
This Brochure provides information about CIS and its investment advisory business. CIS provides
investment management advice and supervisory services to privately offered limited partnerships
(“private investment funds”) and discretionary management services to certain other private
entities (“separately managed accounts”). Clients in separately managed accounts as well as
investors in private investment funds managed by CIS must become “members” of CIS. Members
of CIS are organizations exempt from Federal income taxes under Section 501(a) of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”) as organizations described in Section 501(c)(3)
of the Code and employee benefit plans maintained by members of CIS for their employees.
Interests in any private investment funds, managed or sponsored by CIS or an affiliate may be
offered and sold only pursuant to a definitive prospectus or offering memorandum (or similar
offering document), subscription materials and organizational documents for each such investment
fund (collectively, “Offering Materials”). This Brochure is only a summary and discloses only
certain items required to be disclosed herein, and this Brochure does not include all material
information necessary to properly evaluate an investment decision regarding any private
investment fund managed or sponsored by CIS or an affiliate. Before making any investment
decision regarding any private investment fund managed or sponsored by CIS or an affiliate,
members and prospective members should carefully review the Offering Materials applicable to
such private investment fund and should make any investment decisions regarding such private
investment fund solely on the basis of such Offering Materials. With respect to any private
investment fund managed or sponsored by CIS or an affiliate, this Brochure is qualified in all
respects by the more detailed information provided in the Offering Materials for such private
investment fund.
Specifically with respect to private investment funds, as of the date of this Brochure, CIS serves
as the general partner of the Catholic Endowment Fund, LP (“CEF”), CIS Diversifying Strategies
Fund LP (“CDSF”), CIS Global Equity Fund LP (“CGEF”), CIS Catholic Impact Fund, LP
(“CIF”), CIS Catholic Impact Fund II, LP (“CIF II”) and CIS Catholic Venture Access Fund LP
(“CVAF”), and (each, a “Fund” and collectively, the “Funds”) and is responsible for the overall
investment management and operations of the Funds while reserving the discretion to utilize sub-
advisers and third-party service providers to administer its obligations under the Funds’ private
placement memorandum (“PPM”), Limited Partnership Agreement (“LPA”) and Subscription
Documents (or together,
“Offering Materials”). The aforementioned Offering Materials are
provided to investors in the Funds (each a “Limited Partner” and collectively “Limited Partners”).
This includes, but is not limited to: (i) formulating the socially responsible investment guidelines
for the Funds; (ii) admitting limited partners and accepting capital contributions; (iii) authorizing
the payment of fees and allocations of profits to money managers (as applicable) pursuant to the
relevant governing documents or agreements and any rebates or reductions of such fees or
allocations, which shall be for the benefit of the Funds; (iv) retaining any firm, entity or person as
CIS may, in its sole and absolute discretion, select from time to time, at the expense of the Funds,
for the purpose of maintaining the Funds’ books and records and performing administrative
services on behalf of the Funds; and (v) engaging personnel, whether part-time or full time,
attorneys and independent accountants or such other persons as CIS may deem necessary or
advisable. CIS has other responsibilities in connection with the Funds including, as applicable,
the selection of advisers and/or sub-advisers to manage a particular Fund (e.g., CEF) or selection
of one or more underlying funds into which a particular Fund may invest (e.g., CIF).
CIS has the ability to hire other advisers and sub-advisers to manage the assets of any Fund as well
as any separately managed account, which it does. These sub-advisors (each related and
collectively referred to as the “SUBS”), are unaffiliated third-party investment managers pursuant
to separate investment advisory agreements. SUBS have the ability, as well, to hire other advisers
or sub-advisers to manage client account assets under the investment advisory agreements. In
addition, with respect to CEF, SUBS have the ability to invest, typically, in a diversified group of
privately-offered collective investment vehicles that are managed by unaffiliated investment
managers (the “Underlying Managers”) seeking to generate returns through diversification across
multiple asset classes globally and active security selection. CEF may also invest in managed
accounts managed by Underlying Managers. With respect to CIF and CIF II, and CVAF, CIS
determines which underlying fund(s) to invest fund assets in. At this time, CIS has determined to
structure each of CIF, CIF II, and CVAF as a fund that invests almost all of its assets in an
unaffiliated private investment fund(s). For its part, CVAF invests in the funds of two separate
investment managers, namely, Hamilton Lane and Cendana Capital.
Members of CIS and prospective members of CIS should refer to each Fund’s Offering Materials
for additional/supplementary information regarding the investment strategies of each Fund and the
advisory services provided by CIS.
Limited Partners in the Funds cannot obtain services tailored to their specific needs. Institutional
investors seeking customized investment advice are able to engage CIS through an advisory
agreement that enables our Firm to manage an SMA. SMA Clients of CIS may request reasonable
restrictions to their managed account portfolios although our Firm maintains authority to accept,
negotiate or decline such restrictions.
As of December 31, 2023, CIS had assets under management of approximately $998 Million, all
of which were managed on a discretionary basis.