SPX is a Delaware limited liability company with its principal place of business is New York, New
York. SPX is wholly owned by SPX Capital Holding Ltda. SPX was founded in 2018.1 The only owner
who holds 25% or greater of SPX Capital Holding Ltda. is Rogério Rodrigues Estevinha do Amaral
SPX provides discretionary advisory services to pooled investment vehicles organized under the
relevant laws of the United States and the Cayman Islands. These vehicles include limited
partnerships, private fund companies and segregated portfolio companies organized under the
Cayman Islands’ Companies Act and registered under the Cayman Island Monetary Authority in
accordance with the Mutual Funds Act. (“SPCs”). In addition to the advisory services provided by
SPX, the SPC clients are also primarily managed by the Firm’s affiliates SPX Gestão de Recursos
Ltda., SPX International Asset Management Ltd, SPX Portugal, SGOIC, S.A. and SPX Capital
Management Singapore PTE. Ltd. (each an “Affiliate” and collectively the “Affiliates” or “Co-Sub-
SPX’s credit strategy (“SPX Credit”) is primarily an absolute-return strategy, focused on US- and
developed markets. SPX Credit engages in fundamental company research to select the most
efficient capital allocations. The investments will predominantly be in investment grade bonds, high
yield products, liquid distressed cash bonds, loans and credit derivatives, with a focus on market
The Firm manages certain of these pooled vehicles on a discretionary basis (the “Discretionary
Clients”). In this role, SPX has full discretion of a portion of the Discretionary Clients’ total assets
under management. In addition to the discretionary services explained
in this paragraph, the
Discretionary Clients will also receive macroeconomic research services.
Below is a list of SPX’s Discretionary Clients with the relevant SPCs, as applicable:
• SPX Fund SPC
o SPX Fund Segregated Portfolio Hawker
o SPX Fund Segregated Portfolio Exclusive
o SPX Fund Segregated Portfolio Skyhawk
o SPX Fund Segregated Portfolio Extender
o SPX Fund Segregated Portfolio Vickers
o SPX Fund Segregated Portfolio Unique
o SPX Fund Segregated Portfolio Canadian Eagle
• SPX Global Fund SPC
o SPX Global Fund Segregated Portfolio Global Eagle
• SPX Seafire Fund SPC
o SPX Seafire Fund Segregated Portfolio One
1 SPX organized on February 28, 2018 as SPX Advisory LLC. The name was changed on June 7, 2018 to Global
Macro Advisor LLC. On February 24, 2020, the name was changed to the current name of SPX Capital
Management LLC.
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• Edge Master Fund (including feeder-funds, listed separately)
• Dynamic Global Macro US Fund LP
• Global Macro Strategy US Fund LLC
• Absolute Return Credit Master Fund Ltd.
o Absolute Return Credit Cayman Feeder Fund Ltd.
o Absolute Return Credit US Fund LP
In the future, SPX may provide advisory services to private funds that it sponsors that may be
substantially different from the services listed above.
SPX does not sponsor a wrap fee program.
As of December 31, 2023, SPX managed $359,686,002 on a discretionary basis. SPX does not manage
any client assets on a non-discretionary basis.