Advisory Firm Description
NaviMed Capital, established in 2011, is a private investment firm focused exclusively on the
healthcare industry. The Firm is based outside of Washington, DC in Arlington, Virginia and is
controlled and wholly owned by its managing members, Mr. Ryan Schwarz, Mr. Brian Canann, and
Dr. Bijan Salehizadeh (the “Founding Managing Directors”).
Types of Advisory Services
NaviMed Capital provides investment advisory services to privately offered pooled investment funds
(each a “Fund” and, collectively, the “Funds”). Interests in each Fund are offered only to qualified
investors satisfying the applicable eligibility and suitability requirements (typically institutional
investors and eligible high-net-worth individuals). The relationship between NaviMed Capital and
each Fund is governed by the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended (the “Advisers Act”), as
well as the Offering Documents (as defined below) of each Fund, including the terms of investment
advisory agreements executed between NaviMed Capital and each Fund.
NaviMed Capital does not act as a general partner of any of its managed Funds. Instead, certain
NaviMed Capital affiliates, including NaviMed Investment Management, L.P. and NaviMed
Investment Management II, L.P. (each a “General Partner” and, collectively, the “General Partners”)
serve as general partners to one or more of the Funds and have delegated exclusive investment
advisory and other authority with respect to such Funds to NaviMed Capital. See Item 10 – Other
Financial Industry Activities and Affiliations of this Brochure for more information regarding NaviMed
Capital’s affiliated entities.
Tailored Advisory
NaviMed Capital tailors its advisory services to the investment strategies (as described in Item 8 of
this Brochure), specific terms and conditions of each Fund in accordance with the relevant limited
partnership agreement, investment management agreement, offering memorandum, or other
applicable Fund document (collectively, “Offering Documents”). The Offering Documents include
restrictions on investing in certain instruments or types of assets, including concentration limits and
other restrictions. Fund investors should refer to the applicable Fund Offering Documents for specific
information about the applicable Fund.
In accordance with the terms of each Fund’s Offering Documents, as well as common industry
practice, NaviMed Capital has entered into letter agreements or other similar agreements (referred to
as “side letters”) with one or more investors in a Fund (also referred to as “Limited Partners”)
providing such Limited Partners with different or preferential rights or terms, including but not limited
to different fee structures and other preferential economic rights, information, reporting, and other
rights. Except as otherwise agreed with a Limited Partner, NaviMed Capital is not required to disclose
the terms of side letter arrangements with other Limited Partners. Once invested in a Fund, investors
cannot impose additional investment guidelines or restrictions on the applicable Fund, but, in certain
instances, may be excused from a particular investment due to legal, regulatory or other applicable
Regulatory Assets Under Management
As of December 31, 2023, NaviMed Capital managed approximately $474,728,879 of Fund assets on
a discretionary basis.