SQNVP, a Delaware limited liability company, was formed in January 2015 to act as the investment
manager of certain Regulation D exempt funds and other privately offered investment vehicles.
SQNVP is currently the investment manager of SQN Venture Income Fund, LP, SQN Venture Income
Fund II, LP, SQN Venture Income Fund III, LP, SQN Tempo Automation, LLC, and SQNVP SFMG RS
LLC (collectively, the "Funds"). In July of 2021, the founding partners of SQNVP purchased the
remaining equity interests from former principals of the firm through a redemption agreement, and
SQNVP is no longer affiliated with any other firm.
The Funds have their own investment objectives set forth in the respective Fund's offering materials.
SQNVP provides investment advisory services and management services to the Funds. Furthermore,
the Funds are advised and managed by SQNVP in accordance with each Fund's investment objectives
without consideration of the individual investment objectives of any particular investor admitted to the
Funds. Any individual making an investment in Funds advised and managed by SQNVP should consult
with an investment professional to determine suitability. SQNVP does not provide investment advisory
services to individuals that participate in the Funds. Investors and prospective investors in each Fund
should refer to the respective Fund's offering materials for information on the investment objectives
and investment restrictions with respect to that Fund.
The Funds are not required to register under the Securities Act of 1933 or the Investment Company
Act of 1940 in reliance upon certain exemptions available to issuers whose securities are not publicly
offered. SQNVP manages the Funds on a discretionary basis in accordance with the terms and
conditions of each Fund's offering and organizational documents.
As further detailed in the Funds' offering documents, the Funds generally, but not exclusively,
investments in debt securities and to a lesser extent leases (and related equity securities, such as
warrants or success fees to venture-backed, privately held emerging companies in the information
technology, bio-tech, energy technology, software, cyber security, agriculture technology and related
industries that have previously received equity financing from venture capital firms and seasoned
private investors. Investments may be made in companies that range from startup phase through the
late / pre-IPO stage or potentially publicly traded.
ASSETS: As of December 31, 2023, SQNVP manages assets with discretionary authority in the
amount of approximately $155,126,196.
SQNVP provides a copy of its Form ADV Part 2 to every client and a copy will be provided to any
prospective client upon request. SQNVP charges fees for its services and all fees are negotiable in
SQNVP's sole discretion. Several factors contribute to the amount of the fee charged such as the size
of the account and the type of assets managed.
SQNVP is owned by individuals. Ryan McCalley is the only individual that controls more than 75% of
SQNVP. There is no other individual that owns more than a 25% ownership interest.
IMPORTANT ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS: The information provided herein merely summarizes
the detailed information provided in the Fund's offering and organizational documents. SQNVP may
launch additional private funds in the future. Such funds may have the same, similar or a different
structure, objectives or strategies as the Funds. This and other detailed information are provided in the
appropriate Fund offering and organizational documents. The information provided above about the
investment advisory services provided by SQNVP is qualified in its entirety by reference to the specific
Fund's offering materials, subscription agreements and other governing documents.