Who we are
Our firm is a limited liability company formed in the State of California. Our firm has been in business as
an investment adviser since 2013 and is owned as follows:
Nathan Ankney – 35% Owner
J. Brian Boyle – 35% Owner
Everett Hambleton – 30% Owner
Services we offer
We specialize in the following types of services: Asset Management, Comprehensive Portfolio
Management, Horizons Fixed Income Management, BIOs Management, and Financial Planning &
Asset Management
As part of our asset management service, we generally create a portfolio, consisting of individual stocks
or bonds, exchange traded funds (“ETFs”), options, mutual funds and other public and private securities
or investments. The client’s individual investment strategy is tailored to their specific needs and may
include some or all of the previously mentioned securities. Each portfolio will be initially designed to
meet a particular investment goal, which we determine to be suitable to the client’s circumstances. Once
the appropriate portfolio has been determined, we review the portfolio at least quarterly and, if necessary,
rebalance the portfolio based upon the client’s individual needs, stated goals and objectives. Each client
has the opportunity to place reasonable restrictions on the types of investments to be held in the portfolio.
Comprehensive Portfolio Management
Our Comprehensive Portfolio Management service encompasses asset management as well as providing
financial planning/financial consulting to clients. It is designed to assist clients in meeting their financial
goals through the use of financial investments. We conduct at least one, but sometimes more than one
meeting (in person if possible, otherwise via telephone conference) with clients in order to understand
their current financial situation, existing resources, financial goals, and tolerance for risk. Based on what
we learn, we propose an investment approach to the client. We may propose an investment portfolio,
consisting of exchange traded funds (“ETFs”), mutual funds, individual stocks or bonds, or other
securities. Upon the client’s agreement to the proposed investment plan, we work with the client to
establish or transfer investment accounts so that we can manage the client’s portfolio. Once the relevant
accounts are under our management, we review such accounts on a regular basis and at least quarterly.
We may periodically rebalance or adjust client accounts under our management. If the client experiences
any significant changes to his/her financial or personal circumstances, the client must notify us so that we
can consider such information in managing the client’s investments.
Horizons Fixed Income Management
As part of our Horizons Fixed Income Management (“Horizons”) service, we generally create a custom
fixed income-oriented portfolio utilizing exchange traded funds (“ETFs”), mutual funds, certificates of
deposit (“CDs”), and/or individual bonds. The service is designed to offer an interest-bearing investment
portfolio funded by a client’s cash savings that would not otherwise be invested in our diversified
portfolio management services. We design a custom allocation of fixed income investment vehicles
while managing for time-horizon and liquidity risk. This service is not designed as a replacement for the
fixed income allocation within our Asset Management, Comprehensive Portfolio Management, or
Dynamic BIOs model offerings. To that end, the Horizons service will not supersede any prior
investment management or financial planning service agreements already in place.
Investment objectives, risk tolerance, and time horizon liquidity needs, as directed by the client, are used
to design a custom allocation which we determine to be suitable to a client’s circumstances. Once the
appropriate portfolio of fixed income investments has been implemented, we review the portfolio at least
annually and, if necessary, reallocate to align with updates to risk tolerance, prevailing interest rates &
market conditions, and changes to the client’s time horizon.
Dynamic BIOs Management
As part of our Dynamic BIOs Management service, we generally create a portfolio defined by models
consisting primarily of exchange traded funds (“ETFs”), though individual stocks, bonds, mutual funds
and other public securities or investments may be used to augment the model portfolio’s construction
from time to time. The service is designed to offer a lower cost and lower account minimum alternative to
individualized custom portfolio construction available through our Asset Management and/or
Comprehensive Portfolio Management offerings. The client’s individual objectives and risk tolerance is
used to determine which of several Dynamic BIOs models is designed to meet a particular investment
goal which we determine to be suitable to the client’s circumstances. Once the appropriate portfolio
model has been determined, we review the portfolio at least quarterly and, if necessary, rebalance the
portfolio to bring the allocation back
into line with the model’s diversification objective. Generally we
require the client’s portfolio adhere to one of the available Dynamic BIOs model allocations.
CoreFactor Fund, LP
We provide investment advice to CoreFactor Fund, LP (the "Fund"), which is a pooled investment
vehicle. The general partner of the Fund is Rosewind, LLC; Nathan Ankney and Brian Boyle are
principals of Rosewind, LLC.
The Fund seeks to meet or exceed the performance of a broad market index with reduced volatility risk. It
invests principally in widely traded equities on U.S. exchanges, ETFs, and their options.
Dynamic Wealth will use factor investing to manage the Fund's investment program. Factor investing
involves the identification of fundamental or technical characteristics that explain differences in security
price returns. Certain factors are already known by the investment community to be statistically
significant; these are known as “rewarded” factors. Dynamic Wealth believes many additional factors,
“unrewarded factors,” have yet to be proven. It will use proprietary methodology to identify unrewarded
factors to exploit investment opportunities before the market learns of them. The Fund will also use
derivatives, such as the options overlay provided by Three Sigma Capital, LLC (a subadvisor), to help
enhance returns and/or minimize investment risk in the portfolio.
Financial Planning & Consulting
We provide a variety of financial planning and consulting services to individuals, families and other
clients regarding the management of their financial resources based upon an analysis of the client’s
current situation, goals, and objectives. Generally, such financial planning services will involve preparing
a financial plan or rendering a financial consultation for clients based on the client’s financial goals and
objectives. This planning or consulting may encompass one or more of the following areas: Investment
Planning, Retirement Planning, Estate Planning, Budgeting, Charitable Planning, Education Planning,
Corporate and Personal Tax Planning, Employee Benefit/Retirement Planning, Corporate Structure, Real
Estate Analysis, Mortgage/Debt Analysis, Insurance Analysis, Lines of Credit Evaluation, Business and
Personal Financial Planning.
Our written financial plans or financial consultations rendered to clients usually include general
recommendations for a course of activity or specific actions to be taken by the clients. For example,
recommendations may be made that the clients begin or revise investment programs, create or revise wills
or trusts, obtain or revise insurance coverage, commence or alter retirement savings, or establish
education or charitable giving programs. It should also be noted that in some cases we refer clients to an
accountant, attorney or other specialist, as necessary for non-advisory related services. For written
financial planning engagements, we provide our clients with a written summary of their financial
situation, observations, and recommendations. For financial consulting engagements, we usually do not
provide our clients with a written summary of our observations and recommendations as the process is
less formal than our planning service. Plans or consultations are typically completed within six (6)
months of the client signing a contract with us, assuming that all the information and documents we
request from the client are provided to us promptly. Implementation of the recommendations will be at
the discretion of the client. Periodic updates to the financial plan as requested by the client will be
charged separately and will be computed on an hourly basis.
General Disclosures
We offer individualized investment advice to clients utilizing the following services offered by our firm:
Asset Management, Comprehensive Portfolio Management and Horizons Fixed Income Management.
Additionally, we offer general investment advice to clients utilizing our Financial Planning & Consulting
service and Dynamic BIOs Management service.
Each client has the opportunity to place reasonable restrictions on the types of investments to be held in
the portfolio. Restrictions on investments in certain securities or types of securities may not be possible
due to the level of difficulty this would entail in managing the account. Restrictions would be limited to
Asset Management, Comprehensive Portfolio Management, or Dynamic BIOs Management services. We
do not manage assets through our other services.
For accounts that we manage, we require that your assets be maintained in a brokerage account with TD
Ameritrade Institutional as the custodial broker/dealer. At our sole discretion, we may make exceptions
and use other custodial broker-dealers. See Item 12, Brokerage Practices, for additional discussion on our
requirement and use of TD Ameritrade Institutional.
Assets under management
As of December 31, 2022, we manage assets of $108.8 million on a discretionary basis and we do not
manage regulatory assets on a non-discretionary basis.