Cable Car Capital LLC (“Cable Car” or the “Company”) is a limited liability company organized in the State
of California. The Company’s initial registration with the state of California became effective November 8,
2013. Jacob Haft Ma-Weaver and Annie Youxi Ma-Weaver, husband and wife, each own 50% of the
Company. Jacob Haft Ma-Weaver has sole managerial authority over the Company. Cable Car’s principal
place of business is San Francisco, California.
Cable Car serves as the General Partner and investment adviser to Funicular Funds, LP, a private fund, and
its feeder funds, The Funicular Qualified Fund, LP, The Funicular Fund, LP, and The Funicular Fund (BVI),
Ltd. (together, the “Funds”). Previously, Cable Car provided investment advice via discretionary management
of separate accounts. Cable Car is not currently soliciting new separate
account clients. The remaining
accounts disclosed by Cable Car reflect limited-purpose advisory agreements with investors in the Funds. The
Company does not provide financial planning or other advisory services, and its advice is not limited to a
particular type of investment.
Cable Car manages a single investment strategy available through the Funds. Clients may not impose
restrictions on particular securities or types of securities in which the Funds invest.
Cable Car does not participate in wrap fee programs.
As of December 31, 2023, Cable Car manages approximately $168.3 million in client assets based on net asset
value, all of which is managed on a discretionary basis. Regulatory assets under management of approximately
$203.2 million reflect the gross asset value of the Funds without regard for offsetting liabilities.