Cloud Capital Management, LLC (“Cloud Capital”) provides objective, thoughtful and fiduciary-based Invest-
ment Management and Financial Consulting for individuals, families and business owners. Cloud Capital is
owned by Hart Williams, Sean Sternbach and Taylor Heininger and was created in 2022 as an independent
registered investment advisor.
Investment Management: Our services for Individual Accounts are designed to assist clients in meeting their
unique financial goals through the use of financial investments. Cloud Capital utilizes various securities, in-
cluding but not limited to; stocks, bonds, mutual funds, electronically traded funds (ETF), certificates of de-
posit, real estate investment trusts (REIT), preferred stock, U.S Treasury bonds and other investments availa-
ble through the custodian selected by the client. Please refer to Item 8 for information on risks associated
with investments selected by Cloud Capital. Clients may impose restrictions on purchasing various invest-
ments and we will tailor investment management based upon the individual needs of the client. In determin-
ing the appropriate suitability for the Client, Cloud Capital will consider all information provided by the Client.
Clients receive ongoing portfolio construction, investment selection, monitoring, rebalancing, reporting and
execution of trades on a discretionary basis, which means we will not obtain Client’s consent before making
trades. Incidental financial planning is provided as needed in conjunction with the Investment Management
and includes assisting clients with investment advice, financial goals
and objectives analysis, as well as finan-
cial and retirement planning.
Financial Consulting: Clients can engage Cloud Capital for Financial Consulting, which includes total portfo-
lio and balance sheet guidance, acting as the conduit (where appropriate) between the family and outside
managers/service providers; ongoing review and advice on outside managers, alternative investments, pri-
vate placements, offerings, venture capital, private equity and hedge funds investment options. Cloud Capital
will also work with clients on liquid and illiquid holdings across the portfolio, including due diligence and analy-
sis on new fund managers, investment strategies, private offerings and real estate. When needed, Cloud
Capital will also provide structuring models or reporting templates to evaluate investing opportunities. It is
important to know that economic and cyclical actions create different situations or demands so not all of the
above services will be provided at all or on an ongoing or recurring basis. It is also important to know that no
trading authority is granted to Cloud Capital through Financial Consulting.
Cirrus Special Opportunity Fund LP: Cloud Capital is in the approval process to launch the Cirrus Special
Opportunity Fund LP (“Cirrus”), although at this time we are not opening any new accounts or accepting any
new limited subscribers for Cirrus. More information will be provided about Cirrus as developments occur.
Assets: As of December 31, 2023, we managed $157,408,973 in discretionary assets. Additionally, we do
not manage any assets under a sponsored wrap-fee program.