Halle Capital Management LP (“the “Adviser”) is a Delaware limited partnership that was formed in
September 2019. The Adviser is principally owned and controlled by John Peter Gutfreund.
The Adviser provides discretionary investment advice to private funds (each a “Private Fund,” or
collectively, the “Private Funds”). In addition, from time-to-time the Adviser forms certain co-investment
special purpose vehicles (each a “Co-Investment Fund,” or collectively, the “Co-Investment Funds,” and
together with the Private Funds, the “Funds”). In the future, the Adviser may also provide investment
advice to additional private funds and separately managed accounts for institutional, non-retail investors
(“SMAs”). References throughout this document to “clients” refer to the Private Funds, Co-Investment
Funds, and any other private funds and SMAs that the Adviser may advise in the future.
The Adviser also establishes a general partner or acts as managing
member for each Fund that is affiliated
with the Adviser (each a “GP/MM”).
The Funds are managed in accordance with their own investment objectives, as described in their
respective offering documents and/or governing agreements (together, the “Governing Documents”).
Investors in the Funds will generally not be permitted to impose limitations on the investment activities
described in the Funds’ Governing Documents. Under certain circumstances, the Adviser may contract
with a client to adhere to limited risk and/or operating guidelines imposed by that client, and such
arrangements will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis. (See Item 16 - Investment Discretion.)
The Adviser does not participate in wrap fee programs.
As of December 31, 2023, the Adviser managed approximately $504,745,250 of regulatory assets under
management on a discretionary basis. The Adviser does not manage any assets on a non-discretionary