Chatham Capital Group’s principal office is in Savannah, GA, with a second office on
Hilton Head Island, SC. The firm was founded in 1996 by Frederick L. Muller; L. Guy
Palmer, II; and Bruce D. Fielitz. Chatham has been a registered investment adviser with
the Securities and Exchange Commission since 1996. Chatham has always been 100%
owned by its operating principals. The present owners are Frederick R. Muller, Philip B.
Palmer, William J. Fielitz, and Jason G. Allen. Frederick L. Muller and Bruce D. Fielitz
remain involved in the business as non-owner principals. All principals act as portfolio
Chatham manages investment portfolios for clients. As of December 31, 2023, Chatham
managed $658,215,299.32 of client assets on a discretionary basis. Most clients are high
net worth individuals for whom Chatham manages one or more personal portfolios
including trusts and retirement accounts. Chatham also manages some
endowment/foundation portfolios, pension and profit-sharing plans, and corporate
portfolios. The standard minimum account size for separately-managed portfolios is $1
million. In addition, Chatham also manages private funds. Qualified investors can invest
in the private funds with amounts less than $1 million. Each private fund imposes a
standard minimum investment amount as specified in the respective offering document.
Separately-managed portfolios are tailored to the individual financial needs of each
client. Based on a client’s risk tolerance, income requirements, and other factors,
Chatham establishes an asset allocation policy spelled out in the client’s Financial Policy
Statement and manages the portfolio in line with
that policy. Individual securities are
selected based on the purpose they serve in meeting a client’s needs and objectives.
Portfolio managers have periodic meetings with clients during the year to stay abreast of
any changes that might be relevant to long-term planning, risk tolerance, portfolio
diversification, and asset allocation decisions. If a client wishes to impose specific
restrictions on Chatham’s management of his or her portfolio (e.g., no tobacco stocks), he
or she must inform Chatham of this restriction in advance and a notation to that effect
will be made in the client’s Financial Policy Statement. If Chatham tracks (but does not
manage or otherwise provide advice on or charge a fee for) other assets of certain clients
to be aware of such clients’ overall asset allocation and risk profile, it is able to depict
that client’s complete holdings on consolidated reports.
Chatham offers its Chatham Small Company investment strategy on a non-discretionary
basis through certain Model Programs sponsored by unaffiliated brokers/dealers, whereby
Chatham provides these sponsors with trading signals for the model portfolio on a
periodic basis. It is the Sponsor’s responsibility to implement trades in participant
accounts based on the model portfolio. Model Program participants are not clients of
Chatham and Chatham does not trade on behalf of, or have any contact with, participants
or their accounts.
Either Chatham or a client may terminate an advisory agreement upon written notice at
any time. However, if Chatham’s registration as an investment adviser under the
Advisers Act is suspended or revoked, the agreement will be terminated automatically.