Granville Capital, Inc. (“Granville”) commenced operations in February 2003, and is owned
by Pearce A. Landry, Stephen C. Hassenfelt, Eugene G. Purcell IV, Michael W. Dinkins, Ryan
A. Newkirk, and Stewart C. Lynam. Granville serves as the general partner of Granville
Multi-Strategy Partners, L.P. (formerly known as NCT Opportunities Equity Partners
Limited Partnership), Granville Equity Partners, L.P., Granville Investment Fund I, L.P.,
Granville Private Equity Partners II, L.P., and Granville Private Equity Partners III, L.P., each
a North Carolina limited partnership, which is exempt from registration as an investment
company pursuant to Section 3(c)(1) or Section 3(c)(7) of the Investment Company Act of
1940, as amended. Granville serves as the investment manager for Granville Multi-Strategy
Partners, L.P., Granville Multi-Strategy Global Partners, Ltd., a Cayman Islands exempted
company, and Granville Private Equity Partners, L.P. Granville is a general partner in GPEP
Associates, L.P., a North Carolina limited partnership, which is the general partner of
Granville Private Equity Partners, L.P., a North Carolina limited partnership. With respect
to investment fund clients, Granville offers advice on manager selection and monitoring
and allocates client assets to a variety of underlying investment managers, who, in turn,
invest such assets using investment approaches that are allocated among multiple
strategies, asset classes, regions, industry sectors, and securities.
Granville also offers separately managed accounts and investment advisory services. With
respect to these clients, the types of services offered by Granville include portfolio
management, financial planning, asset allocation, security selection, and investment
monitoring. The advisory services provided by Granville to its clients are tailored to the
investment objectives,
investment strategy and investment restrictions set forth in the
documents governing its client relationships, including investment fund client offering
documents, separately managed account client investment advisory agreements and
separately managed account client investment guidelines. Recommendations that are
made for each separately managed account reflect that client’s stated objectives.
In the sole discretion of the general partner or director of the investment fund client, an
investment fund client may enter into side letters, and currently has entered into such side
letters, with certain investors covering, among other things, management fees, investment
management allocations, incentive fees, withdrawal rights, and transfer rights. Such
investors are granted favorable rights not afforded other investors in such investment fund
client, generally. Such side letters are entered into by investment fund clients without the
consent of or notice to the other investors in such investment fund clients.
From time to time, Granville recommends that certain of its separately managed account or
investment advisory clients invest in Granville’s investment fund clients to the extent that
such an investment would be suitable and appropriate for such client. Such
recommendations are subject to certain potential conflicts of interest on the part of
Granville and involve the payment of certain additional fees and compensation by a
separately managed account or investment advisory client that invests in a Granville
managed investment fund client. Additional details regarding such investment fund clients
are provided in the Items below.
As of December 31, 2023
1, Granville’s regulatory assets under discretionary management
were $689,186,114, and assets under non-discretionary management were $361,040,512.