Atlantic, a Delaware corporation, is a global alternative investment firm founded in 1988 by
Alexander J. Roepers, the President and Chief Investment Officer. Atlantic is owned 100% by a trust for
the benefit of Alexander J. Roepers and members of his family. We invest in global equities, with a singular
focus on achieving superior capital appreciation through the consistent and disciplined implementation of
a value investing approach, concentrating capital and research on our highest conviction investments. We
also proactively engage with management teams and boards of directors of our portfolio companies in an
effort to create value through an approach we call “constructive shareholder activism” (“CSA”).
Our global investment team is located in New York and collaborates across geographies and sectors
to leverage our collective experience to find investments. We employ a rigorous, private-equity like
research process to seek what we consider to be attractive value investments that are not highly traded by
other alternative investment firms.
As of February 29, 2024, Atlantic managed net assets of approximately $370 million on a
discretionary basis in private
funds managed by Atlantic (the “Atlantic Funds”) and managed accounts for
institutional clients.
Atlantic provides individualized investment advice to each client account. Different client accounts
managed by Atlantic have different levels of concentration and focus on different geographic mandates,
and each client account can impose various investment restrictions or limitations on Atlantic. Atlantic does
not provide individualized advice to investors within funds managed by Atlantic and therefore investors
should consider whether a particular Atlantic Fund meets their investment objectives and risk tolerance
prior to investing.
Investors and prospective investors in each Atlantic Fund should refer to the confidential private
placement memorandum, limited partnership agreement, investment advisory agreement and other
governing documents for each Atlantic Fund (the “Governing Documents”) for more complete information
on the investment objectives and investment restrictions with respect to a particular Atlantic Fund.
As used herein, the term “client” generally refers to each Atlantic Fund and each beneficial owner
of an account advised by Atlantic.