A. Accumulus Capital Management, LLC (“the Firm”) provides investment advisory services
to three private pooled investment vehicles that are offered to investors on a private
placement basis and investment advisory and discretionary investment management
services to Managed Account clients (“Managed Accounts”).
The Firm is a Delaware limited liability company which was formed on May 17, 2001 and
has been in business since that time.
The private pooled investment vehicles advised by the Firm are: Accumulus Fund, L.P., a
Delaware Limited Partnership (“AFLP”), Accumulus Fund (the “AF”), a Cayman Islands
exempted company incorporated with limited liability, and Accumulus Fund SICAV (“AF
SICAV”), (AFLP, AF, and AF SICAV collectively are referred to in this Form ADV Part
2A as the “Funds” and each a “Fund”).
Pursuant to investment advisory agreement with the Funds and advisory/management
agreements with respect to Managed Accounts, the Firm is responsible for: (i) deciding on
the securities to be purchased and sold consistent with the investment objectives; (ii)
decisions with respect to leverage and hedging transactions and (iii) monitoring client
Benjamin Schliemann and Stefan Zellmer are responsible for managing and selecting the
assets of the Funds and Managed Accounts.
B. The investments of a Fund are managed in accordance with the Fund’s investment
objectives, strategies and guidelines and are not tailored to any particular investor in the
Fund. Other than Fund investors which are also Managed Account clients, the Firm does
not provide investment advice to the Funds’ investors; therefore, investors should consider
whether an investment in a Fund meets their investment objectives and risk tolerance.
The Firm’s investment advisory services include adhering to the investment objectives of
the Funds and Managed Accounts, determining appropriate asset allocation across
investment strategies,
selecting and managing assets and investments, and monitoring
existing and prospective investments in accordance with the Funds and each Managed
Account’s objectives and risk parameters.
The Firm specializes in providing advisory services where the primary investment
objective is to achieve superior long-term risk-adjusted returns by investing in a diversified
portfolio, consisting primarily of non-traditional investments that seek an appreciation of
capital higher than the long-term returns generally obtainable from a balanced portfolio of
traditional equity, fixed income and money market securities. Non-traditional investments
are defined as funds and other investment structures (collectively, the “Money Managers”),
which (i) seek to achieve positive or “absolute” performance, (ii) use a broad range of
Form ADV: Part 2A Page 6
investment strategies including short sales and leverage, and (iii) involve management with
commitment of its own capital, and (iv) compensate management through a performance
based fee structure. Each Money Manager invests according to its individual philosophy
and strategy, independent of the other Money Managers which the Firm invests client
The Firm does not provide financial planning.
C. The advisory services provided to a Fund are in accordance with the Fund’s investment
objectives, strategies and guidelines. The advisory services provided to Managed Accounts
are in accordance with each Managed Account’s investment objectives, strategies and
guidelines. Managed Account clients may impose restrictions on investing in certain
securities or types of securities.
D. The Firm does not participate in any wrap fee programs.
E. Client assets under management on a discretionary basis as of December 31, 2023 were
US$580,102,878. Client assets under management on a non-discretionary basis as of
December 31, 2023 were US$559,211,443.