A. Description of the Advisory Firm
The Investment House LLC (hereinafter “TIH”) is a Limited Liability Company organized in the
state of Delaware. TIH is a SEC-registered investment advisor with its principal place of business
located in Redondo Beach, California. TIH personnel meet with clients and prospective clients in-
person by appointment only.
This firm has been in business since May 2012, and the owner is Timothy J. Wahl, who became
the sole owner in November 2022 upon the passing of prior co-owner Jed Cohen.
B. Types of Advisory Services
TIH offers the following services to advisory clients:
Investment Supervisory Services
TIH offers ongoing portfolio management services based on the individual needs of each client.
Through personal discussions in which goals and objectives based on a client's particular
circumstances, objectives and risk tolerances are established, we work with the client to develop
an individual investment policy and create and manage a portfolio according to that policy.
During our data-gathering process, we determine the client’s individual objectives, time
horizons, risk tolerance, liquidity, and funding needs. As appropriate, we also review and discuss
a client's prior investment history, as well as family composition and background. Clients are
advised to promptly notify TIH if there are changes in their financial situation or investment
TIH evaluates the current investments of each client with respect to their risk tolerance levels and
time horizon. TIH will request discretionary authority from clients in order to select securities
and execute transactions without permission from the client prior to each transaction.
Mutual Fund Management
TIH serves as the investment advisor to The Investment House Growth Fund (the “Growth
Fund”), an open-end mutual fund registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940. TIH
continuously manages the Growth Funds’ assets on a discretionary basis based on the investment
goals and objectives as outlined in the Fund’s prospectus.
Interested investors should refer to the Growth Fund’s prospectus and statement of additional
Information (“SAI”) for important information regarding objectives, investment, time-horizon,
risks, fees and additional disclosures before investing. The prospectus and SAI and other
documents are available
at www.tihfunds.com or by calling (888) 456-9518. Please read the
prospectus and SAI carefully before you invest. The Investment House Growth Fund is
distributed by Ultimus Fund Distributors, LLC.
Private Fund Management
TIH serves as the investment adviser to unaffiliated private funds (“Private Funds”). TIH
continuously manages the funds’ assets on a discretionary basis based on the investment goals
and objectives as outlined in each Private Fund’s offering documents. Prospective investors for
the Private Funds are provided with a confidential offering memorandum and other
documentation that detail the investment objectives, risks, fees, and other important information
about the selected Private Fund. It is important that each potential qualified investor fully read
the offering materials prior to investing.
One of the Private Fund’s managed by TIH is Mercury Partners L.P., whose general partner, GSG
Capital Advisors, LLC, is majority owned by Glenn Goodstein, who is an investment adviser
representative (“IAR”) of TIH. Due to this ownership, a conflict exists since Mr. Goodstein
receives certain management fees and other incentive amounts from this Private Fund and will
benefit directly from investments in the Fund. Please refer to Items 5, 6, 8, & 10 for further
disclosures regarding the Mercury Partners L.P., including investment strategy, associated fees
and conflicts. Please also refer to Mr. Goodstein’s Form ADV Part 2B for additional disclosures.
More information on the Private Funds also can be found in our ADV Part 1A which can be
obtained by accessing the SEC's investment adviser public information site at
Services Limited to Specific Types of Investments
TIH generally limits its investment management advice to affiliated and non-affiliated mutual
funds, equities, options, bonds, fixed income, debt securities, ETFs, real estate investment trust
(“REITs”), U.S. government securities, and the Private Funds
Only certain clients that meet specific qualification standards will receive recommendations on
investing in any Private Fund. Clients receiving recommendations will receive offering
documents (e.g., private placement memorandums, subscription agreements etc.) that outline,
among other things, the investment objectives, risks and associated fees of the recommended
Private Fund. It is important that clients read all offering documents received prior to investing
to fully understand the types of investments, fees, risks, and conflicts that pertain to each such
Please refer to Items 5, 6, 8, 10, & 12 for further information on these types of investments,
including the associated risks and conflicts.
C. Client Tailored Services and Client Imposed Restrictions
TIH offers the same suite of services to all its clients. However, specific client financial plans and
their implementation are dependent upon the client’s individual investment policy which
outlines each client’s current situation (income, tax levels, and risk tolerance levels) and is used
to construct a client specific plan to aid in the selection of a portfolio that matches restrictions,
needs, and targets.
Clients may impose restrictions in investing in certain securities or types of securities in
accordance with their values or beliefs. However, if the restrictions prevent TIH from properly
servicing the client account, or if the restrictions would require TIH to deviate from its standard
suite of services, TIH reserves the right to end the relationship.
With respect to the Private Funds, TIH manages each Private Fund’s assets based on the specific
investment objectives and restrictions of the Private Fund, as outlined in each Fund’s offering
documents, rather than on the specific needs and objectives of the individual investors in the
Private Funds.
D. Wrap Fee Programs
A wrap fee program is an investment program where the investor pays one stated fee that
includes management fees, transaction costs, fund expenses, and any other administrative fees.
TIH DOES NOT participate in any wrap fee programs.
E. Amounts Under Management
As of 12/31/2023, TIH was actively managing approximately $1, 621 million of client assets.