Mangrove Partners IM, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company, provides investment
management services on a discretionary basis to the Funds (defined below) which are privately
offered pooled investment vehicles intended for sophisticated individual and institutional
investors. (Mangrove Partners IM, LLC is referred to as “Mangrove,” the “Firm” or the “Adviser”
in this Brochure and references to “us”, “we” and “our” also refer to Mangrove.)
Mangrove is the investment manager for The Mangrove Partners Fund, L.P., a Delaware limited
partnership (the “US Feeder”), The Mangrove Partners i-Feeder 1, Ltd., a Cayman Islands
exempted company (the “iFeeder”), The Mangrove Partners Fund (Cayman Drawdown), L.P., a
Cayman Islands limited partnership (the “Drawdown Feeder”), and The Mangrove Partners
Master Fund, Ltd., a Cayman Islands exempted company (the “Cayman Master”). Each of the
foregoing funds is referred to individually as a “Fund” and collectively as the “Funds”. “Investor”
refers to any investor in any of the Funds. Additionally, Mangrove manages the assets of certain
private insurance company subsidiaries of a Bermudan insurance holding company, including a
Bermudan insurance company, a New York State insurance company and an Irish insurance
company (collectively, “Insurance Accounts”). The Insurance Accounts’ assets generally include
investments in the iFeeder, which is invested in the Cayman Master, and in portfolios of fixed
income securities managed under separate investment management agreements. The Funds
and the Insurance Accounts are herein collectively referred to as the “Clients”.
An affiliate of Mangrove, Mangrove Capital GP, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (the
“General Partner”), serves as the general partner of the Drawdown Feeder and of the US Feeder.
The US Feeder, the Drawdown Feeder, and the iFeeder are constituents of a “master-feeder”
structure for which the Cayman Master serves as the master fund. Each of the Funds is exempt
from the registration requirements of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the “Investment
Company Act”).
The Funds’ shared
investment objective is to organically compound their net worth while
minimizing the chances of a permanent loss of capital. Mangrove’s investment strategy
concentrates on an identified subset of systematically underfollowed investments and inefficient
markets. Our goal is to generate positive returns from both long and short investments as
opposed to employing a relative value or market hedging strategy. Our investment process
involves in-depth analysis and valuation work at the company level while being cognizant of
underlying industry dynamics. Our deep value discipline in combination with our focus on
underfollowed securities gives us our edge.
Mangrove neither tailors its advisory services to the individual needs of investors in the Funds
(“Investors”), nor accepts investor-imposed investment restrictions.
For further details on the Mangrove investment strategy, please see Item 7 (“Types of Clients”)
and Item 8 (“Methods of Analysis, Investment Strategies and Risk of Loss”) below.
The Adviser is an indirect, wholly-owned subsidiary of Mangrove Holding, Inc., a Delaware
corporation that has elected to be treated as an S-corp. The Mangrove Retirement Savings Plan
holds 100% of the outstanding equity of Mangrove Holding, Inc. and has an independent
institutional trustee. All eligible employees of the Adviser, including Nathaniel August and Ward
Dietrich, participate in the Mangrove Retirement Savings Plan, which provides participants the
opportunity to earn a retirement benefit based upon the value of Mangrove Holding, Inc. The
independent trustee, as the sole equity owner, possesses the rights of ownership and acts as a
fully discretionary fiduciary for the plan under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of
1974. Nathaniel August, as the President of the Adviser and the General Partner, directs the day-
to-day affairs of the Adviser and the General Partner.
As of December 31, 2022, Mangrove manages on a discretionary basis approximately
$1,522,439,572 of client assets, in net equity terms. Mangrove does not currently manage any
client assets on a non-discretionary basis.