Fuller Investment Management Company (“Fuller Investment”) is a Delaware corporation that was
established in 2013. Fuller Investment is a wholly owned subsidiary of The Fuller Foundation, a
California non-profit corporation established in 1988. The Fuller Foundation’s purpose is to
facilitate charitable giving for Christian organizations, families, and individuals, and provide
resources to Fuller Theological Seminary. The Fuller Foundation offers the following services:
investment management, trust administration, donor advised funds, gift and estate design, and
charitable giving education. The Fuller Foundation offers its investment management services
through Fuller Investment.
Fuller Investment’s mission is to provide investment management services that deliver superior
investment performance to Christian organizations, families and individuals.
Fuller Investment provides both Advisory and Wealth Management Services, manages a group of
private investment funds, and manages for larger clients a diversified portfolio that invests across all
asset classes (“Institutional Portfolio”), all of which are described in more detail below.
Advisory and Wealth Management Services
Fuller Investment provides (i) investment advisory services to institutions, which include
foundations, endowments and other charitable organizations, and (ii) wealth management services to
families, individuals and their related entities, which includes family trusts and foundations,
charitable trusts, and business entities. Fuller Investment seeks to provide its advisory and
investment management services that fulfill each client’s investment objectives. Services provided
to clients usually includes, depending on client needs: (i) identifying investment objectives and risk
tolerance, (ii) developing and documenting asset allocation, investment policy and investment
strategy, (iii) implementing the investment strategy, (iv) performing regular administration,
monitoring and reporting of financial assets, and (v) performing due diligence on investment
managers. Investment advisory and wealth management services are based on an Investment
Advisory Agreement (“IAA”) between the client and Fuller Investment. The IAA provides Fuller
Investment with the authority to recommend and retain other investment advisers, and invest in the
Fuller Funds (defined below) and in other private funds that are not affiliated with Fuller Investment
for certain portions of a client’s assets.
For larger institutional clients with managed assets of at least $3 million and based on their
investment objectives, Fuller Investment offers a diversified portfolio that generally invests across
all asset classes (equity, fixed income, commodities and currencies) and within each asset class,
through a mixture of both traditional and alternative investments. The alternative investments
include unaffiliated private investment funds. Importantly, these alternative investments will only be
recommended to clients that meet the qualification requirements outlined in each investment’s
offering documents.
Please see Item 8 for additional information about Fuller Investment’s investment strategies.
Fuller Funds
Fuller Investment provides investment management services to affiliated privately-offered pooled
investment funds (the “Fuller Funds”). The Fuller Funds include certain separate investment
vehicles established by Fuller Investment with different investment focuses (the “Strategy Funds”),
into which the other Fuller Funds principally invest. Our primary focus is to invest the assets of the
Strategy Funds in other private funds, including private hedge funds and other types of pooled assets
(e.g., mutual funds and exchange traded funds)(“Portfolio Funds”) that are managed by unaffiliated
third parties. These Portfolio Funds mainly employ hedging strategies that include, but are not
limited to, Long/Short Equity, Credit, Global Macro and Event Driven. For a further description of
the Fuller Funds, please see Items 7 and 8 below.
We provide investment management services to each Fuller Fund in a manner that is consistent with
the investment objectives and strategies of each such Fund, which are set forth in the applicable
offering documents of each Fuller Fund.
Please see Item 8 for additional information about the Fuller Funds’ investment strategies. Investors
are provided with confidential offering documents that detail the investment objectives, risks, fees,
and other important information about the selected Fuller Fund. It is important that each qualified
investor fully read the offering documents.
For purposes of the brochure, “clients” generally refers to the investment advisory and wealth
management clients of Fuller Investment and not the Fuller Funds themselves.
As of December 31, 2023, Fuller Investment’s regulatory assets under management were
$213,322,329 all of which was managed on a discretionary basis.