Burford Capital Investment Management LLC (“Adviser”, “we”, “us” or “our”), a Delaware limited liability
company founded in February 2013, became an exempt reporting adviser with the SEC in April 2013 and
a registered investment adviser in March 2014. The Adviser provides discretionary investment advisory
services to its advisory clients (each a “Client” and collectively, “Clients”), which include private fund
limited partnerships and other private fund advisory clients.
We provide investment advisory services to our Clients based on each Client’s specific investment programs
and objectives. Our Clients include private fund limited partnerships (the “Funds”) and other private fund
advisory clients. The general partners of the Funds are collectively referred to herein as the “General
Partners.” The limited partners of, or members in, our Clients are referred to in this brochure as the
BCIM Holdings, LLC (“BCIM Holdings”) is the sole member of the Adviser. BCIM Holdings and the
General Partners are indirectly owned by Burford Capital Limited (collectively with its subsidiaries, where
applicable, “Burford”), a publicly held Guernsey company, the equity securities of which are listed on the
New York Stock Exchange and the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange.
The General Partners, in their capacity as general partners of the Funds, operate closely with the Adviser
as an advisory business enterprise and share ultimate common ownership, officers, partners, or persons
occupying similar positions.
This brochure provides only summaries of the subjects of the Items below. Investors should refer to the
relevant Client’s private placement memorandum, limited partnership agreement or other governing
documents for definitive and more detailed information regarding the matters described in this brochure.
The Adviser has broad and flexible investment authority. For Clients, the Adviser offers advice on
commitments in litigation finance or other legal or regulatory finance opportunities, which generally
includes (1) financing the costs of commercial legal claims and asset recovery matters, (2) financing the
costs of defending against commercial legal claims, (3) providing capital secured by individual or portfolios
of commercial cases managed by select law firms or other legal or regulatory processes where the underlying
claims fit within a Client’s investment profile, (4) entering into other structures or contractual arrangements,
the value of which are derived from the performance or outcome of an underlying legal claim or series of
legal claims, of other legal or regulatory processes, (5) financing the costs of defending against or to
indemnify the liabilities related to individual or portfolios of legal claims or other legal or regulatory
processes, and (6) investing in securities in connection with catalyst-driven legal developments, most
notably related to litigation or administrative proceedings. The Adviser also offers advice on legal finance
assets that primarily consist of the acquisition or financing of large legal fees, judgments and settlements
after the underlying litigation or transactional matter is largely resolved. These instruments are generally
directly negotiated, unlisted instruments, although in some cases a Client may invest in public securities.
Other private fund advisory clients are generally established to facilitate single commitments similar to
those described above.
The Adviser does not tailor its advisory services to the individual needs of Investors. The Adviser provides
investment advice to the Clients, not to the individual Investors. The Adviser may and currently has entered
into individual agreements with Investors regarding their subscriptions in certain Funds. These agreements
are referred to as side letters and may encompass a broad range of agreed-upon terms.
As of December 31, 2023, the Adviser has approximately $3,430.4 million of total Client regulatory assets
under management, which are managed on a discretionary basis. The Adviser does not participate in wrap
fee programs.