Squarepoint OPS LLC (“OPS”) is a Delaware limited liability company, with its principal place of business
in New York, New York, and was formed in April 2014. OPS together with its affiliated entities, including
Squarepoint Capital LLP (“UK OpCo”) and Squarepoint Operations Private Limited (“Singapore OpCo”),
and certain non-advisory affiliates form the “Squarepoint Group”. UK OpCo and Singapore OpCo are
relying advisers to OPS and therefore are parties to this brochure, and all three collectively referred to
as “the OpCos”.
On December 16, 2014, OPS, along with certain affiliated entities, was acquired from Barclays Bank
PLC (“Barclays”) by entities owned by key management personnel who previously had operated a
systematic global trading business within Barclays.
The Squarepoint Group’s majority owners are Olivier Durantel, Antoine Fillet, Maxime Fortin and
Grégoire Schneider. The Squarepoint Group has its main offices in New York, London, and Singapore.
There are also offices in Paris, France; Zug, Switzerland; Geneva, Switzerland; Montreal, Canada;
Bangalore, India; Dubai, United Arab Emirates; Madrid, Spain; Houston, Texas; Boston, Massachusetts;
Los Angeles, California; Hong Kong and Jersey.
The Squarepoint Group provides investment advisory services to certain privately offered pooled and
non-pooled investment vehicles (the “Funds”) as well as research and advisory services to corporate
Non-advisory affiliates, including Squarepoint Services UK Limited, Squarepoint Services Singapore
Pte. Ltd, Squarepoint Services US LLC and Squarepoint Services Jersey Limited(together “Squarepoint
Group Service Entities” or “SGS”), provide treasury, accounting, legal, tax, risk, compliance. operations,
technology, human resources, quantitative research and development, and other corporate consultancy
services (collectively “Non-Advisory Services”) across entities within the Squarepoint Group as well as
to the Funds and to corporate clients pursuant to one or more written agreements.
The Funds, with respect to which the Squarepoint Group provides investment advisory services, are
each managed according to the investment objectives and policies set forth in their respective offering
materials using systematic and semi-systematic models to trade a variety of asset classes and financial
instruments globally. Aside from non-pooled investment vehicles, OPS does not tailor the Funds’
investment programs for any particular Fund investor. The investment management agreements of the
Funds, the private placement/offering memoranda and other governing documents of the Funds are
collectively referred to in this document as “Governing Documents”.
The Funds are formed as either standalone structures, master-feeder structures, or similar structures
and investment activities are primarily conducted at the master fund or equivalent level. For tax,
regulatory or other reasons, Funds can effect their investment activities indirectly by investing through
one or more trading vehicles operated by the Squarepoint Group from time to time. Further, certain
standalone funds, non-pooled funds and master funds invest in other commingled funds managed by
the one or more of the OpCos. Please see Item 6 Performance Fees and Side by Side Management for
details covering additional related potential conflict disclosures including cash management practices.
OPS is appointed as the investment manager of the Funds and has overall responsibility for the
discretionary investment management of the Funds’ portfolio. OPS has appointed UK OpCo and
Singapore OpCo as sub-managers to conduct discretionary management functions on behalf of the
Funds during respectively the UK and Singapore business hours. In such circumstances, such
investment activities of UK OpCo and Singapore OpCo in relation to the investment management of the
Funds are subject to the overall control and responsibility of OPS. OPS monitors and has the right to
instruct UK OpCo and Singapore OpCo in relation to their management of the portfolios of the Funds.
OPS also monitors the risk profiles of the Funds’ portfolios against global parameters and has the power
to require UK OpCo and Singapore OpCo to take remedial action if needed.
UK OpCo is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority of the UK. Singapore OpCo is
authorized and regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (“MAS”) and is also registered with the
Kanto Local Finance Bureau in Japan as a “high speed trade operator”.
Each of OPS, UK OpCo, and Singapore OpCo performs its functions primarily by placing investment
orders with counterparties within the region covered by that advisor (the Americas for OPS, the Europe,
Middle East, and Africa (“EMEA”) region for UK OpCo, and the Asia and Pacific (“APAC”) region for
Singapore OpCo.)
The resources of each master fund form a single pool of collateral available to the OpCos for purposes
of their trading activities. Rather than making a defined amount of the collateral pool available to each
OpCo, each OpCo is subject to the global position and risk limits determined by OPS.
OPS does not manage any assets on a non-discretionary basis. As of December 31, 2023, OPS had
approximately USD 126,503,267,069 of regulatory assets under management. This figure does not
disregard Funds’ investments in other Funds.