Tenzing Global began operations in 2011 as an investment adviser headquartered in San Francisco which aims to
compound its clients’ capital significantly, through a concentrated, long-term, value-oriented approach. Tenzing Global
serves two clients managing substantially the same investment strategy: Tenzing Global Investors Fund I, LP (“the
Tenzing Fund”), for which Tenzing Global is the investment adviser, and a pooled vehicle sponsored by a third party
(“the Sub-Advised Fund”), for which Tenzing Global is the investment sub-adviser.
Although Tenzing Global’s clients have substantially the same investment strategy, their performance may differ over
time due primarily to the different timing of contributions to and withdrawals from each fund, and various legal or
regulatory restrictions that may apply to either of the funds.
Chet Kapoor is Tenzing Global’s principal owner. Chet Kapoor serves as the Chief Investment Officer of Tenzing Global.
A Tenzing Global affiliate, Tenzing Global Investors, LLC, is a Delaware limited liability company that serves as the general
partner of Tenzing Global Investors Fund I, LP.
As of December 31, 2023, Tenzing Global had approximately $272,996,320 in discretionary regulatory assets under
management. Tenzing Global does not manage any client assets on a non-discretionary basis.
Tenzing Global pursues its investment strategy by acquiring equity and equity-related securities across a variety
sectors in U.S. and non-U.S. public markets and by taking short positions in equity securities. Tenzing Global is not
restricted in the types of securities or other instruments it may buy for its clients, the types of positions it may take, or
the amount of leverage it may employ. Tenzing Global manages investments in accordance with the investment
objectives, strategies, guidelines, and terms and conditions, outlined in each client’s respective governing documents.
Both the Tenzing Fund and the Sub-Advised Fund are managed only in accordance with its own investment objectives
and neither is tailored to any particular private fund investor.
Investors in private funds managed by Tenzing Global should review not only this Brochure, but also the full contents of
the offering documents. This Brochure is intended to be a general summary of advisory services provided by Tenzing
Global to its pooled investment vehicles. This Brochure is both supplemented and superseded by the offering
documents for the Tenzing Fund.
Any discussions regarding clients in this brochure, including but not limited to their investments, the strategies used in
managing the clients, the fees and other costs associated with an investment in the clients, and conflicts of interest
faced by Tenzing Global in connection with management of the clients, are qualified in their entirety by reference to
each client’s respective governing documents and/or advisory agreements.