Sweater Industries LLC (“Sweater”) specializes in investing in high-growth companies shaping
the future of consumer and professional products, with the aim to invest in real-world
applications that impact people's everyday lives. The firm's investment approach includes co-
investment with partner venture capital funds, leveraging an extensive deal scout network, direct
investment into other venture capital funds, and acquisition of shares in secondary markets.
Sweater's primary advisory service involves managing investments for a Registered Investment
Company. However, it may also extend its portfolio management services to include Special
Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) or private funds, structured as 3(c)(1) or 3(c)(7) funds, in the future.
SPVs are innovative financial instruments that allow a group of investors to pool resources for a
single investment in a company. This approach broadens access to venture capital investment
opportunities that may otherwise be inaccessible to many investors.
The firm tailors each client's investment strategy according to their specific needs, and as the
discretionary manager, Sweater makes investment decisions on behalf of the funds while
adhering to the guidelines and restrictions
set by the funds' legal documents and investment
strategy. The funds may inherently restrict investment in certain securities or types of securities.
Sweater provides advisory services across various stages of a company's growth cycle, from pre-
seed to seed, Series A, and Series B, and also explores secondary investment opportunities with
companies in the growth stages, usually Series C or later.
Sweater does not participate in wrap fee programs and does not offer portfolio management
services under such schemes.
As of December 31, 2023, Sweater managed $13,840,112 in discretionary assets under
management, with no non-discretionary assets. These assets under management are subject to
fluctuation due to market conditions, capital contributions, withdrawals, and other relevant
Sweater‘s unique approach, combined with its diligent vetting process and active participation in
the stages of portfolio companies' growth, sets it apart as a dynamic player in the venture capital
and investment advisory landscape. Whether you're an investor looking for venture capital
exposure or a founder seeking capital, Sweater presents a collaborative and insightful platform to
meet your objectives.