Spire Capital Management, LLC and Spire Capital Management III, LLC, each a Delaware limited liability
company (together, the "Adviser"), launched in November 2006 with its principal office in New York.
The principal owners are Andrew J. Armstrong, Jr., Bruce M. Hernandez, Sean C. White, and David K.
The Adviser and its affiliates (the "Affiliates" or the "Advisers") provide administrative and/or investment
management services to U.S. limited partnerships and limited liability companies (each a "Private Fund"
and one or more collectively, the "Private Funds"), and one or more single investment special purpose
investment vehicles (each an "SPV" or a " Private Fund" and one or more collectively "Private Funds")
based on their respective investment objectives. The Advisers tailor their advisory services as described in
the investment program of the relevant Private Fund's private placement memorandum, or as set forth in
such Private Fund's organizational documents and any investment management agreement with such
Private Fund. The Adviser’s investment program is limited to private equity securities. Please refer to Item
8 for a more detailed description of the Advisers' investment strategies as well as the securities and other
instruments purchased by the Advisers on behalf of the Private Funds.
As of the date hereof, the Advisers
provide administrative and/or investment management services to the
following Private Funds: Spire Capital Partners III, L.P. (“SCP III”), Spire III Co-Investments, LLC, Spire
Capital Partners IV, L.P. (“SCP IV”), and Spire IV Co-Investments, LLC all of which are pooled
investment vehicles formed under the laws of the State of Delaware.
In addition, the Advisers have the right to enter and have entered into agreements, such as side letters,
with certain underlying investors of the Private Funds (each an "Investor", and collectively "Investors")
that might in each case provide for terms of investments that are more favorable to the terms provided to
other Investors. Such terms could include the waiver or reduction of management and/or incentive
fees/allocations, the provision for additional information or reports, rights related to specific regulatory
requests of certain investors, more favorable transfer rights and more favorable liquidity rights.
Persons reviewing this Form ADV Part 2A should not construe this as an offering of any of the Private
Funds described herein, which will only be made pursuant to the delivery of a private placement
memorandum to prospective investors.
The Adviser managed $742,343,976 million in regulatory assets under management within its Private
Funds as of December 31, 2023, on a discretionary basis.